Page 80 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
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The benefits of using NFC business cards compared to Table 8: Cost Breakdown for Eco-Solution 4.
traditional business cards are:
S/N Items Qty Cost ($) Remarks
1. Instant Transfer of Contact Details: NFC business cards
facilitate the immediate transfer of contact details to a
compatible smartphone with a simple tap. Unlike traditional Laser Engraver Provided by
cards, NFC technology ensures that contact information 1. (DAJA) 1 1,007.59 Elitez Pte Ltd
is readily accessible and doesn’t risk being misplaced in a
wallet. This streamlined process enhances the likelihood of
converting leads into customers efficiently. 2. NFC card 150 723.95
2. The portrayal of Tech-Savvy Professionalism: Embracing
NFC business cards portrays individuals and organisations
as tech-savvy professionals aligned with cutting-edge Total ($) 1,731.54
technology and sustainable practices. By opting for NFC
technology, individuals demonstrate their commitment
to innovation and environmental responsibility, further
enhancing their professional image. Conclusion
3. Borderless Networking and Remote Opportunities: The eco-solutions proposed by the ESI team were endorsed
NFC business cards enable seamless online sharing of
contact details, transcending geographical boundaries by Elitez, which acknowledged the outcomes derived from
and expanding networking opportunities. This borderless the investigations by stating, “We fully support the proposed
approach facilitates remote collaborations, maximises eco-solutions and believe that their implementation will
business potential, and fosters company growth by tapping yield long-term benefits for the company, including resource
into a broader market. conservation and reduction of our carbon footprint. This
initiative aligns with Elitez’s commitment to sustainability.”
The cost breakdown for implementing NFC business cards is
detailed in Table 8. To date, Elitez has initiated the implementation of water
aerators in two toilet cubicles to assess their effectiveness
and plans to extend the installation to the remaining toilet
cubicles after observing positive results. Additionally, Elitz
has commenced the conversion of its business cards to NFC
business cards to minimise paper and ink waste.
In conclusion, the project successfully achieved its
objectives by assisting Elitez in refining its daily operations
and reducing its carbon footprint. By implementing the eco-
solutions, Elitez aims to lower energy and water consumption
while enhancing its brand reputation through social and
environmental responsibility, creating a win-win scenario for
both the company and the environment.
Figure 11: NFC Business Card