Page 79 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 79

By implementing water-saving aerators, Elitez can significantly reduce its monthly water bills while conserving water
            resources. The cost breakdown for purchasing water-saving aerators is detailed in Table 6. The potential carbon savings
            resulting from this eco-solution are also calculated.

                     Table 6: Cost Breakdown for Eco-Solution 3
             S/N  Items           Qty    Unit   Cost ($)  Remarks  Installing flow restrictors, also known as faucet aerators,
                                        Cost ($)  (Walk-in        presents an effective method for reducing Elitez’s water
                                                discount:         consumption. These devices, depicted in Figure 10, offer a
                                                10%)              straightforward and non-intrusive solution for controlling
                  Krafter 360                            Provided  water flow during various activities carried out by staff.
             1.   Rotatable        1     10.90    9.81   by Elitez   Importantly, faucet aerators can be implemented without
                  Purewater Filter                       Pte Ltd  extensive plumbing modifications or alterations to existing
                  Kitchen Tap                                     water faucets.
                  Purified Filter
                  Krafter 720 Faucet
             2.   Tap (2 Mode)     1     29.90    26.91

                  Total ($)                      36.72

                                                                      Mist Mode      Shower Mode    Bubble Mode
            1.  Dual-mode water saver (type 1)
            Dual-mode aerators give both mist and shower output.         Figure 10: Types of water-saving aerators
            Mist mode          Saves 95% water
            Shower mode        Save up to 85% water.
                                                                 Eco-solution 4: Implementation of Near Field

            2.  Dual-mode water saver (type 2)                   Communication (NFC)
            Dual-mode aerators give both soft bubble stream and
            shower output.                                       The  fourth  eco-solution  aims  to  assist  Elitez  in  converting
            Soft-bubble mode      Save up to 30% - 70% water.    their  traditional  business  cards  into  NFC  business  cards,
            Shower mode                                          thereby reducing the ecological impact of the company’s
                                                                 business operations.  The potential cost savings resulting
                                                                 from this initiative are calculated.
            3.   Mist water saver
            Mist water-saving aerators convert normal flow into a   Near Field Communication (NFC) business cards, depicted in
            fine mist.                                           Figure 11, offer an environmentally friendly and innovative
            Mist tap water       Saves up to      Give 0.4 - 0.6 LPM  alternative for digitally sharing contact information.
            Savers                       98% water        output

   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84