Page 77 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 77

Figure 8: Solar Panels Installation.

            The cost breakdown for Eco-solution 1 is detailed in Table 4.

                      S/N            Items             Qty    Unit Cost       Cost ($)         Remarks
                     1.      400W (56x86CM) Solar Panels  15    79.00         1,185.00      Provided by Elitez
                                                                                            Pte Ltd
                     2.      Battery Charge Controller  15       NA
                     3.      Power Inverter             15       NA
                     4.      Car Battery                1        NA            80.00
                     5.      SUV Battery                1        NA            180.00
                             Total                             1,445.00

                                                     Table 4: Cost of solar panels.

   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82