Page 14 - world view
P. 14

Science On “Creation Day 5”Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    Science On “Creation Day 6”Error! Bookmark not defined.
                       Man As Unique Creation, Endowed With New Dimensions To Set

                       Him Apart From All Other CreationError! Bookmark not defined.
                         Man, Made In The Image Of The Three-Person Creator-God: The

                         Holy TrinityError! Bookmark not defined.
                    Science On Day 7 Of The Creation “Week”                     Error! Bookmark not

                       Man as the Centerpiece of the Creator’s Masterplan                      Error!
                       Bookmark not defined.

                       “Day 7” Focus: Redemption Of ManError! Bookmark not defined.
                    Science And The Prophesied “Creation Day 8” Error! Bookmark not


               The Resumption of God’s Creative Acts On A Future “Creation” Day 8
               (Chapter 8) ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

                       Chapter 8 Message: Both science and the Bible declare that this
                       temporal universe and Earth and everything within will one day be

                       destroyed. The best and most supreme efforts by us humans will
                       not prevent this destruction. The Bible goes on to describe a
                       future, a Creation Day 8, when the creator-being will resume his

                       creative acts and create “new heavens and a new earth” to

                       replace the old ones. This creator-being has been focused on his
                       redemption plan during our current “Creation Day 7” where he is
                       hoping and praying that the biggest number of humans will

                       choose eternal life with him rather than choose to go elsewhere in
                       a sovereign act of their free will. The creator-being respects each

                       man’s free will and will not force his own upon any man’s will. His
                       utmost desire is to have the greatest number of mankind to
                       choose his plan, the only plan that can bring about each man’s

                       utmost desire for himself.Error! Bookmark not defined.
                       Thus, long before he created the universe for man, this creator-

                       being had already crafted his redemption plan for mankind. He
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