Page 13 - world view
P. 13

being deflected by a fear of incurring the wrath of scientific

                       opinion, one arrives at the conclusion that biomaterials with their
                       amazing measure of order must be the outcome of intelligent

                       design. No other possibility I have been able to think of exists ....”
                       This intelligent designer, that Hoyle alluded to, knew, ahead of

                       time, of the future physics of the solar system and thus
                       programmed the placement of different forms of life in
                       accordance with the phase of the sun’s life. All this just for the

                       single purpose of preparing the planet for man’s arrival. While it is
                       the Bible that first told us that man is the center-point of the

                       creator-being’s attention in all of his acts of creation, science now
                       explains and confirms how that creator-being enacted all the

                       necessary resources, logistics and fine-tuned preconditions
                       necessary for the tens of billions of humans to ever inhabit this

                       Earth. The Bible’s narration of the first five creation day events in
                       the Books of Genesis and Job can now be matched exactly to
                       science’s own description of how the Earth itself and all life forms

                       and elements therein came to be over a span of billions of years.
                       By the sixth “creation” day, the Earth was ready for the arrival of

                       humans, along with their ‘nephesh’ animals. For billions of years
                       before day 7, the divine-being carefully put everything that would

                       ever be needed in place on this earth, both physical and
                       metaphysical (or spiritual), for the arrival, multiplication,

                       sustenance and wellbeing of man. On day 7, he focuses on the
                       implementation of his redemption plan for an otherwise ’self-
                       centered’ and self-willed mankind.Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    Science On “Creation Day 1”Error! Bookmark not defined.
                       Creation Day 1, Not A Period of 24 Hours But Of Billions Of Years,

                       Per Etymology Of The Hebrew Word For A “Day”  Error!
                       Bookmark not defined.

                    Science On “Creation Day 2”Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    Science On “Creation Day 3”Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    Science On “Creation Day 4”Error! Bookmark not defined.
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