Page 10 - world view
P. 10

methodical or Socratic inquiry that had already spread from the

                       Renaissance Age and into the Enlightenment Age. To the surprise
                       of many, history shows that the founding in the West and virtually

                       in the rest of the world of the earliest formal learning institutions
                       dedicated to scientific studies was first spearheaded by

                       organizations with a Judeo-Christian worldview. Unlike today’s,
                       the prevalent view then was that science and faith were not only
                       compatible with each other, but were even mutually synergistic in

                       that one served to reinforce the other.Error! Bookmark not

                    The Impact of Scientific Developments on Worldviews                        Error!
                    Bookmark not defined.

                    Developments Prior to the Age of the Scientific Revolution
                     ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    The Age of RenaissanceError! Bookmark not defined.
                    The New Democratic Spirit Amongst Purveyors of Knowledge
                     ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    The Emergence of Modern Educational Institutions Error!
                    Bookmark not defined.

                    How Does Science, of the Last 25 Years Especially, Impact on The
                    Five Major Worldviews?Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    Formal Scientific Inquiry Was Born Out Of The Judeo-Christian
                    Culture ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

               “Tectonic” Scientific Discoveries of the Last 25-95 Years That Most Are

               Still Not Aware Of (Chapter 6)Error! Bookmark not defined.
                       Chapter 6 Message: Recent paradigm-shaking scientific

                       discoveries were made starting in the 1920s with what is now
                       called the “Big Bang” event. This ran counter to the prevalent
                       Darwinian belief in an eternal universe that existed in a steady

                       state. The discovery of the “Big Bang” and the numerous
                       confirmatory discoveries of an explosive beginning of the universe

                       13.78 billion years ago by Hubble and the James Webb space
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