Page 7 - world view
P. 7

destination. The pilot needs an engine to power the ship, a rudder

                       to “have the conn” of his vessel and a global positioning system
                       (GPS). The key to piloting our life is to also have a captain to steer

                       it in the direction of its destination – heaven or hell or “oneness”
                       with all creation or nirvana or utopia – and a GPS by which to

                       guide the captain accordingly. We have 3 decisions we need to
                       make in life: (1) who will captain our ship of life – we ourselves or
                       someone or something else that may have greater “control” over

                       the “troubled waters” –  (2) what “GPS” to use, if any, and (3)
                       what “rudder” to use to steer our life in the proper direction. For

                       many, there is also need to decide what destination to aim their
                       ship of life towards. These are the questions to be tackled in the

                       remainder of this book. The right answers should ensure us
                       “success” in how to cope effectively and successfully with the

                       challenges, trials and obstacles that now define our turbulent
                       world. We prescribe as the best insurance policy for ensuring safe
                       passage and successful arrival at our best possible life destination

                       is this: possession of the right worldview. Choosing the right
                       worldview from among the offerings of this world is itself a most

                       formidable risk-strewn endeavor. This book will attempt to prove
                       that one worldview, whose assumptions come closest to fitting the

                       latest scientific findings about the world and the universe, will
                       provide the best foundation for coping with life in these

                       increasingly turbulent times.Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    What Is A “Worldview?”Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    How To Best Steer Our “Ship” Called “Life”                  Error! Bookmark not

                       Life’s Ultimate Destination: “Utopia”Error! Bookmark not

                       The “Needs-Driven” Model of Human Motivation Vs. A

                       “Worldview-Driven” ModelError! Bookmark not defined.
                       Primacy Of Man’s “Belongingness” Need: The Longing For Love

                        ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
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