Page 8 - world view
P. 8

Scientific Evidence Favoring The Primacy Of A “Belongingness”

                    Worldview Model Over Other Worldviews                       Error! Bookmark not

               Building A Worldview The Scientific Way (Chapter 3)  Error! Bookmark
               not defined.
                       Chapter 3 Message: Typically, worldviews “just happen” in

                       people’s lives. Subconsciously, we absorb bits and pieces of our
                       worldview from various influential persons we have come into

                       close contact with and life experiences. Thus, most harbor
                       worldviews that were accumulated over a lifetime in a default

                       mode. Since a worldview is the rudder that guides the “ship” of
                       our life, it is critical that we make every effort to manage our

                       worldview, to re-shape, refine, and fine-tune it using the most
                       reliable method used by scientists in their research studies – the
                       scientific method. We first take a quick peak at the most likely

                       origin of this method, define what it is and how we use the
                       scientific method to guide how we construct our own worldview in

                       a way that makes it most useful, meaningful and effective in
                       helping us cope with the challenges of life.  Error! Bookmark not

                    Building Up One’s Worldview: The Critical Role of The Scientific

                    Method .. Error! Bookmark not defined.
                       Who Invented The Scientific Method?Error! Bookmark not

                       Science and Faith: In Synergy Or In Conflict? Error! Bookmark not

                    Imbibing Worldviews In Default ModeError! Bookmark not defined.
                    Building-up One’s Worldview In An Intentional Mode                         Error!
                    Bookmark not defined.

                    The Need To Test and Evaluate Every Worldview                      Error!
                    Bookmark not defined.

               Testing Worldviews (Chapter 4)Error! Bookmark not defined.
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