Page 11 - world view
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telescopes and the ‘cosmic radiation’ emitted by that explosion

                       permeating the entire outer space so shook up the worldview of
                       Darwinian secularists that many of them turned deist or even

                       theist in their worldview, leaving behind just a few diehards like
                       Richard Dawkins. Another tectonic event occurred in the scientific

                       world when Watson and Crick discovered the DNA and the human
                       genome having a ‘software’ program that controlled the
                       functioning of the cells and organs of the human body, raising the

                       questions of who wrote that program and when. This discovery
                       also ran counter to the Darwinian theory that humans evolved

                       from some lower form of being through a purely random or
                       unguided selection process of evolution. Then in 1998, scientists

                       suddenly realized that, up till that year, science was only aware of
                       a mere wee portion of 1% of all matter and energy in the universe.

                       It is amazing to discover that the Christian Scripture already
                       foretold of all these new discoveries more than two thousand
                       years ago. What is more amazing is that in this age of nano-

                       seconds computing and search engines many are still unaware of
                       the significance of these discoveries that continue to stand despite

                       best efforts to debunk them.Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    The ‘Big Bang’ and Its Implications on The Nexus Between Science

                    and Faith Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    “Spacetime”Error! Bookmark not defined.

                    Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Cosmological Constant
                     ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    The Miracle of an Extremely “Fine-tuned” Universe To Make Life

                    Possible .. Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    Questions On The Fine-Tuning of The Universe To Make Life

                    Possible .. Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    How The Five Major Worldviews Address the Question of “Who (or

                    What) Is the Fine-tuner of the Universe?”                   Error! Bookmark not
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