Page 15 - world view
P. 15

presented man with the simplest test anyone could ever conceive

                       of – choose the tree of life or the tree of knowledge. During that
                       test in the Garden of Eden, he was ever-available for Adam and

                       Eve to consult when the serpent-Satan offered his “advice” and
                       made the tree of knowledge so much more delectable than the

                       tree of life. The couple were so beguiled by Satan and, without any
                       second thought, immediately made their choice without
                       conferring with the creator-being, though he was always within

                       hearing distance from them. And, the rest is history.                   Error!
                       Bookmark not defined.

                       Not only did he present the simplest test possible for man, but, out
                       of perfect love, he also gave the correct answer to his one-

                       question final examination to enable every human to choose the
                       right answer. To paraphrase a verse, “For God so loved the world

                       that he gave his one and only correct answer to the simple ‘pass-
                       fail’ exam, so that man may have eternal life.”                 Error!
                       Bookmark not defined.

                    The Temporal Nature Of The Universe And The Earth: Both Science
                    And The Bible AgreeError! Bookmark not defined.

                       Beyond The Physical Realm Of Science . . . And Into The
                       Metaphysical Realm Of Perfect “Error-free” Predictions

                       (Prophecy)Error! Bookmark not defined.
                       The Prophesied One-World Government During A Coming

                       Tribulation PeriodError! Bookmark not defined.
                    On “Creation Day 8,” Come The New Heavens and the New Earth
                    With the New Jerusalem as Its CapitalError! Bookmark not defined.

                    Life’s Pass-Fail “Final Exam” To Determine Who Will Choose To Live
                    In The New Heavens And The New Earth Error! Bookmark not

                       How The Creator-being So Loved The World That He Provided The

                       One-and-Only “Kodigo” For Man To Pass His ‘Final Exam’
                        ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
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