Page 12 - Summer 2024 TYC Magazine
P. 12
The YORI<. Club Magazine Summer 2024 Edition
Caretaker Extraordinaire: Kevin Butler
When Kevin Butler began working at The YORK Club as remembered Butler. "I knew the position would be
a part-time bartender in 2017, neither he nor vacant soon, and as soon as it was I applied for it."
management could have envisioned he would grow into The transition included a month shadowing longtime,
the role of maintenance and facilities manager. outgoing building manager Luis and his 40 years of
Today, however, the now-former bartender is tasked with experience and trade secrets.
taking care of the grand old Gooderham home - and "I followed Luis around for about a month and he
overseeing a staff dedicated to, as he puts it, 'all the little showed me ... well, he wasn't really interested in
things' to ensure it remains beautiful. showing me how to do his job," laughed Butler. "He
"I love the building, its architecture, the wood carvings, did show me where a few shut-offs were, and I didn't
its history," reflected Butler, who transitioned into his worry about it too much.
current role in 2022. "Being from Toronto, born and "Maintenance needed a refocus, and maybe it was
bred, one of the things that stands out about the Club is good that he didn't overshare - there was definitely
it's part of the history of Toronto. a lot to do!"
"It's important to preserve that history- far too many Swapping his bartender's bowtie for the maintenance
of these buildings disappear over the years." team's traditional blue, Club-branded shirt and dark
While transitioning into a managerial role in a different tie has been a tremendous change for Kevin Butler.
department was not originally in Butler's plans, the He looks forward to serving the membership for many
opportunity presented itself at the right time. years to come.
"I'd been promoted to full-time senior bartender a
number of years before, (and) I slowly discovered I
wanted to transition away from bartending,"