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P. 37


                                                  Critique                       by Arne Schwarz, FCI Judge

              An invitation to judge the Chow Chow males,       Kingdom Born To’Win, Rendel Rebel Rouser, I-Lai
         including Best of Breed at a World Dog Show, is        Shensi and Peter Pan of Mien-Shan, the male which
         the Dream of every judge and the judging of this       was Youth World Winner.  This masculine male shows
         aristocratic Breed is a Dream come true and a labor    an excellent breed type, good size and one absolutely
         of love every judge would like to have. And so was it   correct anatomy.
         for me. It was an honor and a joy to be able to judge         The large Champion class, black, blue and any
         this beautiful Breed at the World Dog Show in Leipzig   other color were the “crème de la crème” of the World
         2017.  My expectation was high and I must say I was    Dog Show. I would like to mention Bei-Ling Pei’s
         not disappointed.                                      Apollo the Moonwalker, Bon Triumph Master From
         The Breed entry was 77 males for me and 54 females     The Ring, Heart Mind Fire dei Leoni Imperiali, Moima
         for my judging partner Mrs. Marie-Josée Melchior       Gengis Khan and the World Show Winner and Best of
         from Luxemburg.                                        Breed, King of Egypt de Los Perros De Bigo.
              To start with, I must say the quality was excellent.          King of Egypt de Los Perros De Bigo is a superb
         In judging this Breed for me the most important        Chow Chow and for me the ideal Breed Type. He has
         aspect is the overall and harmonious picture of        a proud demeanor in the ring which is a joy to watch
         the dog. A Chow Chow should never be clumsy in         and every Lover of the Breed will recognize. He is true
         movement and the rear movement should always show  to type and in nearly perfect balance, the true picture
         a choppy peddle like lightness. And beside the heavy   of a Champion.
         bone structure and the correct anatomy, the head is          The female, Mrs. Melchior crowned as Best Female,
         one of the important aspects of the Chow Chow with     Bon Triumph Tiffany, is a female of the best quality.
         breed type expression and black tongue and black       She is a very nice feminine female which has it all,
         gums.   In the last few years of judging, in and out of   which makes a great Chow. Beautiful head, correctly
         the country, I noticed some very unstable fronts.      build, beautiful topline, gorgeous coat and in beautiful
              Also there is a trend for Chow Chows to be of the   condition. In the ring she showed her presence with
         smaller size and not square in body. A stable and      excellent movement.  She was a worthy Best female
         broad front and a broad and deep chest is essential    winner of the World Dog Show 2017.
         for this breed. And also a good muscular structure is         The Crowning was in the Ring of Honor for FCI-
         essential for good movements.  A few of the Chows      Group V judged by the well-known, All Breed Judge
         showed a weakness in the front and not enough          Peter Machetanz (DE).  He placed the World Dog
         muscular strength and for some males, the elbows did   Show Winner King of Egypt de Los Perros De Bigo, to
         not hold close to the chest.  The colors were very nice   the great applause of the spectators, 3rd in the FCI-
         and I must say the heads on most of the dogs were      Group V.  The Best of Breed male had many admirers,
         highly typical.                                        not only the spectators around the Ring of Honor but
              There was a very nice black smooth in the Veterans   also among the other judges.  I judged in Denmark 2
         class, Honiland Exclusive Black Smooth, a very tippy   weeks later and King of Egypt de Los Perros De Bigo
         dog and in excellent condition.  He was an excellent   was the talk of the town at the judge’s dinner.
         smooth Chow which could not have been better and a           The FCI World Dog Show in Leipzig 2017 was a
         very worthy World Veteran Winner.  Also the World      World Class Dog Show, extremely well organized and
         Veteran female winner, Liusu Ai-Lin, was in great      run by the VDH.  I would like to thank the VDH for
         condition and worthy of the title. Also the middle and   the invitation to judge, the CCID for the nomination
         open class had a very good entry and very good breed   to judge, as well as my Ring Team for their excellent
         type. Some which really impressed me were Orkhon       work.  And most of all, I would like to thank the
         Luke von Mien Shan, Bailey dei Leoni Imperiali and     Exhibitors, in and out of the country, for your
         Estee Lauder Djalo.                                    trust in letting me judge your beautiful dogs
               In the Youth Class the Quality was excellent. I was
         very impressed by Black Kingdom Banner of Victory,
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