Page 63 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 63
Vocabulary word building (2): prefixes
Life online Skills Reading: history of the internet;
Listening: conversations about using the internet
QUICK REVIEW Business and trade Work
fl a Read the article. Match headings a-e to paragraphs 1-5.
in pairs. What are the nouns for the people
and the adjectives for these things: economy, a Connecting people d It's our internet
development, industry, pollution, product, b How the internet started e Taking the internet to the people
politics? Take turns to make sentences c We can't live without it 1
that include one word from each group: My b Read the article again. What does it say about these
brother's an economist. It's an economical car. dates, people and things?
the 1980s ARPANET social networking sites
Charles Kline 1972 the World Wide Web 1990
Speaking and Reading
c Work in pairs. Compare answers.
D Work in pairs. Make a list of the positive and
negative things about the internet.
These days it's almost impossible to to the general public. Now we use it to
imagine a world without the internet or do everything from watching a preview
to overestimate its influence on our daily of a new film to skyping a friend on the
lives. It's therefore amazing to think that other side of the world. 0 Originally, the most undervalued
in the 1980s the internet was only used
by a handful of scientists, engineers
function of the internet was perhaps
and postgraduate computer experts.
the way it brought people together.
8 Some people say ex-vice president of But in the first ten years of the 21 51
the USA, Al Gore, claimed he invented century, social networking sites such
the internet. However, it actually began as Facebook, You Tube and Twitter were
back in the 1960s as part of a US launched and revolutionised global
government defence plan. The internet communication forever. This meant that
(then known as ARPANET) first went news reporting was no longer only
online in 1969, when four computers in the hands of multinational media
at different American universities were companies, as social networking sites
connected together. A man called and independent news biogs become
Charles Kline was the first person to try more popular and influential. Whether
and connect to another computer via you're a pro-democracy campaigner or
the internet - but the system crashed an anti-nuclear activist, the internet can
when he typed in the Gin LOGIN! help you find other people that share
your views.
E) Email first appeared in 1972 and the
first discussion groups started in 1979. 0 Of course the internet can also be
Back then there were no computers in misused. Policing cyberspace remains
people's homes or offices, they were a problem and many mental-health
mostly in universities and scientific specialists are concerned about
institutions and using the internet, compulsive online behaviour which
with its complex systems, was generally they refer to as 'internet addiction'.
beyond the understanding of the However, the internet has made us
non-scientifically minded. Then in the more independent and self-reliant
1980s the British scientist Tim Berners- and has redefined our relationship
Lee invented a much simpler system with the outside world. And the most
which became the World Wide Web wonderful thing about the internet is
(the system which allows us to move that it isn't owned by any government,
from one website to another). In 1990 organisation or corporation -
the internet finally became accessible cyberspace belongs to us all.