Page 6 - Library Manual
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CvSU Library Manual of Operations
Article 1. University Librarian
The University Librarian reports to the Vice President for
Academic Affairs, coordinates with the Academic Deans, and
University Registrar, acts as secretary of the Library Advisory
Committee and supervises the operation of the University Library.
The University Librarian has the following duties and
a. Supervises all library services and activities;
b. Plans and implements library programs and projects,
including staff development in consultation with the Library
Advisory Committee;
c. Prepares the budget of the library in consultation to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs;
d. Prepares the annual report for submission to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs;
e. Ensures the order and safety of the library, including all
collections and equipment therein;
f. Facilitates application and renewal of subscriptions and
issuance of referrals;
g. Represents the library in academic and administrative
councils of the University;
h. Acts as secretary of the Library Advisory Committee;
i. Establishes linkages with other libraries and agencies;
j. Evaluates job performance of the library staff; and
k. Performs other functions and tasks as may be assigned from
time to time.
Article 2. Librarian
The librarian reports directly to the University Librarian and
monitors the activities done in his/her assigned section. The
librarian has the following duties and responsibilities:
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