Page 14 - NEW_SUMMARY_Trece_IPCR
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Republic of the Philippines                                                 CvSU MISSION
                                           CvSU VISION                                                                                                                                       Cavite  State  University  shall  provide

                                                                                                                   CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY
                                             The  premier  university  in                                                                                                               excellent, equitable and relevant educational
                                                                                                                                                                                        opportunities  in  the  arts,  science  and
                                     historic  Cavite  recognized  for                                            Trece Martires/Tanza/Gen.Trias                                        technology  through  quality  instruction  and
                                     excellence  in  the  development                                                                                          relevant research and development activities.
                                     of  morally  upright  and  globally                                                                                                                     It  shall  produce  professional,  skilled  and
                                     competitive individuals.                                                                                                                           morally   upright   individuals   for   global
                                                                                               INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW FORM (IPCR)
                                          I, Arlene L. Estrada, of the Cavite State University -T3 Campus Division of Department of Arts and Sciences  commits to deliver and agree  to be rated on the  attainment
                                 of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period January - June  2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                              ARLENE L. ESTRADA, MALLI

                                 Reviewed by:                                                                              Date           Approved by:                                                          Date

                                                                  NOEL A. SEDIGO                                         15-Jun-20                                  NOEL A. SEDIGO, MSC
                                                                Immediate Supervisor                                                                                Head of Office

                                                                              Success Indicator                                                                                       Rating
                                          Output                                                                                  Actual Accomplishments                     1       2        3       4        Remarks
                                                                             (Target + Measures)                                                                           Q        E        T       A
                                 Strategic Priority No:
                                 Output 1                                          85%
                                 Output 2                                          10%
                                 Output 3                                           5%
                                 Core Functions:
                                 Instruction  (85%)       1. (Teaching Hours per Week) 12 hours / week                    Taught 17 hours per week with 4 preparations      5        5       5      5.00
                                                          2. Enhancement of the curriculum
                                                               a. submit course syllabus in 50% of the subjects        Submitted 100 % of the syllabus with Student's Acknowledgement  5  5  5      5.00
                                                                b. submit 1 module                                                   drafted 1 module                       3        3       3      3.00
                                                                c. 50% of all Exams with TOS                                  Submitted all examinations with TOS           5        5       5      5.00
                                                                d. prepare at least 3 Teaching Aids                               prepared 10 teaching aids                 5        5       4      4.67
                                                          3. Attend Trainings and  Seminars ( 11-20 hours)             Attended 60 hrs of Trainings, Webinars and Workshops  5       5       5      5.00
                                                          4. Enrol 3 units in PhD Program                                  Successfully defended Dissertation Proposal      5        4       3      4.00        67.29
                                 Research (10%)           1. Submit at least 1 study for funding                         On-Going write up of University Funded Research    5        5       3      4.33        8.67
                                 Extension (5%)           1. at least 10-14 hours of active  involvement            Attended 20 hrs Re-planning /Revisiting of GAD Extension and   5  5      3      4.33        4.33
                                                               in extension activity                                                 Campus Extension
                                 Strategic Functions:
                                 GAD Coordinator          Conduct one (1) activity with Gender issues            Conducted 3 activities for Gender and Development          5        5       5      5.00
                                                          Distibute GAD related materials                        Distributed Gender Fair Language Primer to all faculty of T3  5     5       5      5.00
                                                          Attend and participate in GAD activities               Had been the Resource Speaker for GAD integration to Syllabus for T3  5  5  5      5.00
                                 Dept Chairperson         Conduct at least 1 class observation per faculty       Conducted 8 class observations                             5        5       5      5.00
                                                          Conduct meeting and consultation                       Conducted 2 meetings for DAS                               5        5       5      5.00
                                 Accreditation Task Force Chair Create/propose accreditation task force          Drafted proposed accreditation task force                  5        3       3      3.67
                                                          Prepare documents for Accreditation                    Started preparing documents for accreditation              4        4       4      4.00
                                 Final Average Rating       89.42     4.47
                                 Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes

                                                                   Discussed With                                    Date                         Assessed by:                     Date        Final Rating by      Date
                                                                                                                              I certify that I discussed my assessment of
                                                                                                                              the performance with the employee

                                                              ARLENE L. ESTRADA, MALLI                             15-Jun-20                    NOEL A. SEDIGO                              NOEL A. SEDIGO, MSC
                                                                     Employee                                                                      Supervisor                                   Head of Office
                                 Legend:  1 - Quantity    2 - Efficiency    3 - Timeliness                       4 - Average
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19