P. 122

Alert                           Symptom                Possible causes and solutions

        007752_001              The beam is not emit- Beam masking is activated for two or more
       007600_001               ting from all sides of sides of the laser. To de-activate or change
       007604_001               the laser.             beam masking, refer to " Beam Masking".
                                It is not possible to  The Rugby allows for up to 10% grade entry
                                enter grade greater    in both axes simultaneously. If the grade
                                than 10.00% or         entry for one axis is greater than 10%, the
                                3.000%.                cross axis is limited to 3%.

                                The Rugby is not       The Rugby has lost the communication link
                                communicating with
                                the RC800 remote       to the remote control.
                                control.                         Ensure that you are within clear sight
                                                                 of the Rugby and that you have not
                                                                 exceeded the 100 m (300’) working

                                Smart Targeting does   The Smart Targeting procedure could not be
                                not work.
                                The LEDs on the Rod              Ensure that you are working on the
                                Eye 180 are flashing             correct axis and that you have not
                                ten times slowly.                exceeded the 100 m (300’) working

                                Axis Alignment does    The Axis Alignment procedure could not be
                                not work.
                                The LEDs on the Rod              Ensure that you are working on the
                                Eye 180 are flashing             correct axis and that you have not
                                ten times slowly.                exceeded the 100 m (300’) working

                                Semi-automatic Cali- The Semi-automatic Calibration procedure

                                bration does not work. could not be completed.
                                The LEDs on the Rod    Repeat the procedure. If the proce-

                                Eye 180 are flashing   dure is still not successful, contact

                                ten times slowly.      an authorised service centre.

Rugby 870/880, Troubleshooting                                                        62
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