P. 123

Troubleshooting  Problem             Possible Causes                Suggested Solutions

                 The Rugby does      The batteries are low or dead. Check the batteries and change
                 not turn on.                                                    or charge the batteries if neces-
                                                                                 sary. If the problem continues,
                                                                                 return the Rugby to an author-
                                                                                 ised service centre for service.

                 The distance of the Dirt is reducing the laser     Clean the windows of the Rugby
                 laser is reduced. output.                          and the receiver. If the problem
                                                                    continues, return the Rugby to
                                                                    an authorised service centre for

                 The laser receiver  The Rugby is not rotating. It Check for proper operation of
                 is not working
                 properly.           may be levelling or in H.I.Alert. the Rugby.
                                                                                            Refer to the receiver
                                                                                            manual for more informa-

                                     The receiver is out of usable Move closer to the Rugby.

                                     The batteries of the receiver  Check the low battery symbol on
                                     are low.                       the receiver display. Change the
                                                                    receiver batteries.

                 The RC800 remote The remote control is out of      For normal operation, the
                                                                    remote control works up to
                 control is not      usable range.                  300 m (1,000’).

                 working properly.

                                     The batteries of the remote    Check the Remote Battery LED
                                     are low.                       on the control panel. Change the
                                                                    remote control batteries.

                 The display is too The setting of the display      The brightness for both the
                 dark or too light. brightness is unsuitable.       Rugby and the remote control
                                                                    can be reset in the menu of the
                                                                    respective device. Refer to "
                                                                    Display Brightness"(Rugby) or to
                                                                    " Display Brightness"(Remote

                 The grade is shown The wrong setting has been      Choose the desired setting in the
                 in percent(%) or selected.                         option menu. (" Display -
                 per mil (‰).                                       Percent/Per Mil")

                 The grade resets to The wrong setting has been     Choose the desired setting in the
                 zero each time the selected.                       option menu. (" Show Grade
                 laser is turned on.                                Settings on Power Up")

                 The laser stops too The sensitivity setting may be Choose the Sensitivity Setting 2

                 often to relevel. set to the “fine” setting        in the option menu. (" Sensitivity

                                     (Setting 1).                   Settings")

                                     The Tripod may be unstable.    Check your tripod for stability.
                                                                    Tighten all screws. Use sand bags
                                                                    on the legs if necessary.

                                     The wind is causing the Rugby Shelter the Rugby from the wind.

                                     to move too much.              Press the tripod legs more firmly

                                                                    into the ground.

Rugby 870/880, Troubleshooting                                                                  63
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