P. 17

TC3-F400D/TEESIN/MAN/01/15                                                                          Compile by CJ

6. Inspection, Maintenance, and Cleaning

      WARNING! Always make sure the engine is completely shut down prior to
performing any service, maintenance, or cleaning of the unit.
6.1) General Checklists
It is recommended to conduct an inspection on concrete cutter before and after operation.

Parts        Checklists to follow
Structure    Inspect the general condition of the concrete cutter.
Frame        Check for screws, misalignment or binding of moving parts, cracked, bent,
             or broken parts, damaged engine parts, and any other condition that may
             affect the safe operation of the concrete cutter. If abnormal noise or
             vibration occurs, have the problem corrected before further use. Do not
             use damaged equipment.

Maintenance  Clean the concrete after each use. Exercise caution to avoid getting water
Storage      on the engine/.
             Always store the concrete cutter in a clean, dry, safe location out of reach
             of children and other unauthorized people.

     CAUTION! All maintenance, service, or repairs not mentioned in this manual
must only be performed by a qualified service technician.


Problem                     Possible Cause                                       Possible Solution
Poor performance (Cutter        1. Engine throttle does
does not develop its full            not open                                    1. Open the engine
speed)                               completely.
                                2. Throttle control not                          throttle           control
                                     adjusted correctly.
                                3. Concrete is too thick                         completely.
                                     or contained steel
                                     reinforcing.                                2. Adjust the throttle
                                4. Cutting blade is
                                     worn-out.                                   control correctly.
                                5. Drive belt is
                                     loosened or worn                            3. Select the correct

                                                                                 blade for the right

                                                                                 cutting profile.

                                                                                 4. Replace the cutting


                                                                                 5. Check the slippage

                                                                                 between the belt and

                            For technical questions, please call +65 - 66431213                      15
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