Page 17 - QR PENTRUDER 3P8
P. 17
Operators Manual - High Frequency driven Pentruder 3P8 Wire Saw
Standard mounting sequence
1. Base plate Fig.5 Base plate-BE2 with swivelling quick coupling.
2. Column or columns
3. Lower carriage
4. Upper carriage
5. Lower assembly
6. Main drive pulley
7. HF-motor
8. Upper assembly
9. Electric cables to HF-motor and feed unit
10. Cooling water hoses to power pack and
11. Guards
On BE2 the conical quick coupling can be swivelled sideways in increments of 5°.
We strongly recommend the BA1 base plate for wire sawing. It has a fixed coupling, and is
more rigid than the BA2 type of swivelling coupling.
Three types of columns are available:
a) Columns with a female / male configuration, meaning that each column is fitted with a
female conical quick release coupling at one end, and a male coupling at the other end. It can
be extended in each end.
b) Columns with a female coupling in one end, and a Jack Screw in the other end. It can be
extended only in the end with the female coupling.
c) Columns with a female coupling in one end, and a blanking plug in the other end. It can be
extended only in the end with the female coupling.
The columns are available in four lenghts, 0.5 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m and 2.0 m, 20”, 47.2” 59” and
The columns, with the conical quick release coupling unlocked, can rotate around its own
axis, and great flexibility is offered to simplify set-up.
Pentruder® - Stronger than ever! Tractive AB 17 March 2009 Page 15
Applying Standards That Are Years Ahead Of the Competition.