Page 34 - BPA-Area 10 PPP_Neat
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Targets for SY 2021- Personnel
Objectives Indicators/Output
2022 Involved
To apply for accreditation programs in the programs Core Faculty of
of programs in various AACCUP subjected for programs
levels of accreditation 2. Apply for COPC for all accreditation concerned
status programs Number of
To apply for COPC of programs applied
programs both graduate for COPC
and undergraduate evaluation
1.7 Licensure Target for: Result of CPA Department of
Attain passing rates in 1. 1 takers- 25% above Licensure Accountancy and
licensure examinations NP management
higher than national 2. Overall performance – Accounting
passing percentage 20% above National
Passing percentage
2. Research
Generate research
Establish/ sustain research Sustain the research Accomplishment IPAG
centers center report of the
Source-out external funds for 1 research project with MOA with project All Departments
research external funding donors
To generate new knowledge Submit research Number of on- All Faculty
& technologies (for proposals going researches Research
sustainable development Complete researches Number of Coordinator
To manage, present Present research papers Number of papers All Faculty
published & protect research in presented Research
outputs international/national/local Number of Coordinator
for a papers/ articles
Publish research papers published in
in refereed journals referred journals
3. Extension
Engage in sectoral activities for community development
a) Establish linkage/ 2 new linkages Number of All Faculty
partnership with other Linkages (MOA) Extension
organizations Coordinator
b) Conduct capability 5 seminars / trainings Number of All Faculty
building seminar and/or Seminars Extension
disseminate generated conducted Coordinator
c) Monitor number of 20 adaptors Number of All Faculty
adaptors of adaptors
33 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration