Page 35 - BPA-Area 10 PPP_Neat
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Targets for SY 2021- Personnel
Objectives Indicators/Output
2022 Involved
disseminated Extension
technology Coordinator
4. Administration and Support
a) Ensure adherence of Implementation of Monitoring College-based
institutional policies, policies, processes reports and designees
processes, and and procedures as accomplishment
procedures directed. report
b) Maintain cleanliness of Sustained/maintained Monitoring Support staff
the college cleanliness in the reports and
college accomplishment
c) Monitor repair and Periodic Program of works Support staff
maintenance of building review/regular for repairs
and equipment in the inspection Monitoring
college reports
Department Chair/Coordinator
1. To take charge of the department and assist the Dean in administering the affairs of the
2. Implement functional programs adapted to the needs of students and to local conditions and
evaluate instruction of the department.
3. Assists the Dean in formulating and checking requirements in relation to content and courses,
sequence of the subjects and time allotment.
D. The Composition of the Faculty Selection and Promotion Board
34 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration