Page 33 - BPA-Area 10 PPP_Neat
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Targets for SY 2021- Personnel
Objectives Indicators/Output
2022 Involved
To develop and utilize IMs 2. One (1) syllabus / Number of syllabi Program Chairs
to course outline per / course outline Faculty
enhance effective delivery subject assignment- prepared concerned
of instruction for distribution on the
1 day of classes per
1.3 OJT 1. Within one (1) week 1. Number of days Program Chairs
To provide exposure and 2. Conduct Orientation to select venue OJT Coordinator
hands-on experience for to students and MOA signing
qualified students in 3. Frequency of 2. Number of
actual work setting monitoring hours/day to
4. Number of days to orient students
evaluate the host 3. Once a month
agency 4. One (1) month
5. Number of days to after the
evaluate OJT report resumption of
6. Number of days to classes of the
compute grades and ensuring
prepare grading semester
sheets 5. Within three (3)
days after
submission of
6. Within one (1)
1.4 Tracer Studies 1. Once every four (4) Frequency of Program Chairs
To determine the years a degree conducting
whereabouts of graduates program survey Core Faculty
as a feedback mechanism 2. Every time a program Frequency of
on the relevance of is revised and / or utilization of result
curricular programs enhanced Frequency of
To utilize result of tracer 3. Every after a tracer dissemination
studies as input for study is conducted and publication
curricular revision and/or
To disseminate and publish
1.5 Curriculum 1. Conduct curriculum Number of Program Chairs
Development and revision/enhancement proposed
Revision for Graduate and programs
To conduct curriculum undergraduate developed
review/ development programs
sessions regularly of all
1.6 Apply for 1. Apply for Number of Program Chairs
Accreditation/COPC accreditation for accredited
32 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration