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colleges/offices/units like recruitment of personnel based on need analysis, requisition of equipment, supplies
and materials, etc.
F. The Institution’s Manual of Operations
Title of Manual Year Approved by the Brief description
University Code 2016 Contains the Basic Laws affecting the University;
Organization and Development; Extension and Training
Services; University Business Affairs Office;
Administrative Services and General Regulations and
Student Welfare
Administrative Manual 2005 The manual defines and clarifies policies, systems and
procedures governing, administration, management
and development planning of the university
Faculty Manual 2006 The manual defines and clarifies policies, systems and
procedures governing the instructional staff of the
Students Manual 2019 The manual defines and clarifies policies, systems and
procedures governing the studentry of the university
(BOR Reso No. 1, s. 2019)
RDET Manual 2010 The manual defines and clarifies policies, systems and
procedures governing the R & D, extension and
training programs of the university
UBAO Manual 2012 The manual defines and clarifies policies, systems and
procedures governing the university’s Production
program. (Revision for BOR approval)
QMS Manual 2013 The Quality Management System (QMS) Manual
defines and clarifies policies, systems, and procedures
adopted to implement and continuously improve the
Isabela State University Quality Management system.
University Identity 2012 The manual defines and clarifies the new university
Manual zeal, business card, university letterhead,
college/department letterhead, envelop and
identification card.
The institution has a well-designed and functional organizational structure. The organizational
chart of the institution is displayed at the Administrative Building. The functions are carried-out by
each office.
The best practices of the Organization:
Each of the nine (9) campuses of the University is managed by its own EO or CA;
Designated EOs/CAs possess at least Doctorate Degrees;
The university implements and practices a quality management system (QMS) certified according to
ISO 9001:2008 international standard, upgrade to ISO 9001:2015 QMS.
The institution properly keeps records of documents and follows the principles of ISO.
27 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration