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Program Chair
1. Provide academic leadership in the department in formulating and in implementing departmental goals and
long-range plans;
2. Manage the operations of the Department activities;
3. Represents the department internally within administrative and governance structures of the university and
externally with professional and community groups;
4. Provide comprehensive programs of academic advising that involve the faculty and support the university's
student recruitment, services, and retention programs;
5. Insure that high standards are maintained in curricula, course content, and instruction;
6. Provide a communication link between and among the faculty and the other levels of administration;
7. Prepare course schedules, assign courses and teaching loads, and recommend course scheduling to the
dean within the context of meeting student needs;
8. Develop an outstanding faculty of teacher-scholars by encouraging and facilitating their professional
9. Promote an academic environment that is scholarly and humanistic and that affirms the university's
nondiscriminatory policies; and
10. Represent the Department in appropriate bodies/offices, chair meetings of faculty of the department and
cause the resolution of conflicts in accordance with established policies and sound management operation
C. The Supervisory Program of the Dean/ Department Chair School Year 2021-2022
Targets for SY 2021- Personnel
Objectives Indicators/Output
2022 Involved
1. Instruction
1.1 Classroom 1. 1 class observation per Number of class Program chairs
Management semester per faculty observations
To ensure effective and (2x in a school year) conducted by the
efficient delivery of chairman
instruction 2. 1 evaluation per Frequency of Program Chairs
semester for all faculty evaluation College Secretary
subjects taught. by students
3. Submit academic Number of days Program Chairs
outputs (i.e. grade after the final College Secretary
sheets, seven (7) examination to
working days after the submit grading
final examination sheets
4. Submit completion Number of days to Program Chairs
grade one (1) day submit Faculty
after the completion completion form concerned
of exam has been
1.2 Instructional materials 1. One (1) IM developed Number of IMs Program Chairs
(IMs) development and evaluated per developed Faculty
faculty per year concerned
31 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration