Page 32 - BPA-Area 10 PPP_Neat
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Program Chair
               1.  Provide academic leadership in the department in formulating and in implementing departmental goals and
                  long-range plans;
               2.  Manage the operations of the Department activities;
               3.  Represents the department internally within administrative and governance structures of the university and
                  externally with professional and community groups;
               4.  Provide comprehensive programs of academic advising that involve the faculty and support the university's
                  student recruitment, services, and retention programs;
               5.  Insure that high standards are maintained in curricula, course content, and instruction;
               6.  Provide a communication link between and among the faculty and the other levels of administration;
               7.  Prepare course schedules, assign courses and teaching loads, and recommend course scheduling to the
                  dean within the context of meeting student needs;
               8.  Develop  an outstanding faculty of teacher-scholars by encouraging and facilitating their professional
               9.  Promote  an  academic  environment  that  is  scholarly  and  humanistic  and  that  affirms  the  university's
                  nondiscriminatory policies; and
               10. Represent the Department in appropriate bodies/offices, chair meetings of   faculty of the department and
                  cause the resolution of conflicts in accordance with established   policies and sound management operation

                  C.  The Supervisory Program of the Dean/ Department Chair School Year 2021-2022

                                             Targets for SY 2021-                            Personnel
                       Objectives                                     Indicators/Output
                                                    2022                                      Involved
               1. Instruction
               1.1 Classroom               1. 1 class observation per    Number of class   Program chairs
               Management                      semester per faculty     observations
               To ensure effective and         (2x in a school year)    conducted by the
                  efficient delivery of                                 chairman
                  instruction              2.  1 evaluation per       Frequency of       Program Chairs
                                               semester for all         faculty evaluation  College Secretary
                                               subjects taught.         by students
                                           3.  Submit academic        Number of days     Program Chairs
                                               outputs (i.e. grade      after the final   College Secretary
                                               sheets, seven (7)        examination to
                                               working days after the   submit grading
                                               final examination        sheets
                                           4.  Submit completion      Number of days to   Program Chairs
                                               grade one (1) day        submit            Faculty
                                               after the completion     completion form   concerned
                                               of exam has been
               1.2 Instructional materials   1.  One (1) IM developed    Number of IMs   Program Chairs
                  (IMs) development            and evaluated per        developed         Faculty
                                               faculty per year                           concerned

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