Page 19 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 19

their sinful natures and the god of this world

               (Satan) and they are therefore full of deceit.

               Jeremiah  17:9  says  that  the  unregenerate

               heart  “is  deceitful  above  all  things,  and

               desperately wicked.”

               But as Christians, we must also realize that

               our God has the final and ultimate say in all

               the  affairs  of  life.  Jesus  said  in  Matthew

               28:18  that  “All  power  is  given  unto  me  in

               heaven  and  in  earth.”  But  God  has

               temporarily  given  limited  power  and

               authority to Satan, the god of this world (2

               Cor. 4:4), to control and blind the minds of

               those who reject the true God of the Bible

               and reject His Truths. However, God’s Word

               tells us that one day every knee will bow at

               the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:10) “of things in

               heaven,  and  things  in  earth,  and  things

               under  the  earth.”  One  day  Christ  will

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