Page 14 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 14
that “He [God] which hath begun a good
work in you [at conversion] will perform it
until the day of Jesus Christ,” and Philippians
2:13 tells us that God works in believers to “do
of His good pleasure.” God’s ultimate “good
pleasure” is to conform His children into the
image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom.
8:29), and that process of conformity to
Christlikeness is a process which culminates
when we see Christ face-to-face (1 Jn. 3:2).
Have you been spiritually born into God’s
family? Will you be among the congregation
of the righteous on the Day of Judgment?
Hebrews 9:27 tells us that “it is appointed
unto men once to die, but after this the