Page 16 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 16

of  Christianity  and  godly  and  biblical

               principles? How should that realization affect

               our  trust  in  the  worldly  activities  and  the

               counsel of the unregenerate?

               4.  Although  most  of  those  in  government

               who have authority over us are unregenerate,

               what is a Christian’s responsibility to obey

               the laws of the land?  (See Romans 13:1-7)

               5.  What is God’s reaction to those who try to

               overthrow  His  authority  and  disregard  His

               Word?  (vv. 4 & 5)  (See also Proverbs 1:24-


               6.    Which  hill  in  Jerusalem  is  Psalm  2:6

               referring to?

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