Page 15 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 15

Psalm 2

               Respect  for  God  and  submission  to  His

               authority  is  missing  in  the  attitude  of  most

               people  today,  even  in  the  church  worship

               service and in the lives of many professing

               Christians.  In fact, many people have tried

               to usurp God’s rule and authority, not only in

               their lives but also in the affairs of the world.

               1.  Who are considered to be the “heathen” in

               God’s evaluation?

               2.  What words in verse 1 are an expression

               of a person’s carnality and sinful nature in his

               or her reaction to adversities in life?

               3.    Generally  speaking,  are  the  rulers  and

               leaders of the nations of the world supportive

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