Page 10 - God's Kind of Love
P. 10

claim  to  be  Christians.  Many  professing

             Christians believe that the persecution that

             the Bible speaks of is only physical suffering,

             so therefore they dismiss any teaching that

             has to do with suffering for “being different”

             as a Christian and for living a godly life.

                    I  once  asked  a  young  adults  Sunday

             school class if they had ever been ridiculed

             or  separated  from  for  not  encouraging  or

             participating  in  ungodly  conversations  or

             ungodly  activities,  and  not  one  out  of  a

             group  of  approximately  ten  young  adults

             raised a hand — and some of those young

             people  had  been  reared  in  homes  that

             professed to be Christian homes and were

             affiliated  with  a  professing  conservative,

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