Page 65 - God's Kind of Love
P. 65

good  report  through  faith,  received  not

             the  promise,”  and  Romans  4:3 says,  “For

             what saith the scripture? Abraham believed

             God,  and  it  was  counted  unto  him  for


                    Hebrews 11:6 says that, “without faith it

                 impossible  to  please him  [God]:  for  he

             that cometh to God must believe that he is,

                                 he  is  a  rewarder  of  them  that
             and that

             diligently seek him.” To simply believe God’s

             Word and patiently live our lives with the

             hope and expectation that God will keep His

             promises is an exercise of the kind of faith

             that  pleases  God.  When  Thomas,  one  of

             Jesus’ disciples, needed to see the resurrected

             Christ  before he would believe the report

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