Page 25 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 25
point of lack of discernment between good
and evil.
In every phase of human existence, evildoers
far outnumber the righteous. In verses 2 & 3,
David could have been recalling the days of
Noah when the “wickedness of man was
great in the earth” (Gen. 6:5), but these
same words are reiterated in Romans 3:12
when Paul pronounces both Jews and
Gentiles to all be under sin. Any activity or
good deeds done by an unregenerate
person are unacceptable to God, even those
activities done in the name of Christ or
Christian service. In spite of all their good
works, Jesus will say to the unregenerate, “I
never knew you: depart from me, ye that
work iniquity” (Matt. 7:23).
While the Jews as a whole are generally in a
state of spiritual blindness “until the fullness