Page 26 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 26

of  the  Gentiles  be  come  in,”  when  Christ

               returns to earth to establish His kingdom in

               Jerusalem, God will take away their blindness

               and “all Israel shall be saved” (Rom. 11:25 &


                                            Psalms 15 & 16

               Psalm 15 sums up the essence of a life lived

               in  a  way  that  pleases  and  glorifies  God.

               Although  a  believer  does  not  claim  to  be

               saved by works, a changed life as described

               in Psalm 15 should be the outward evidence

               that  regeneration  has  taken  place  in  a

               person’s heart.

               Psalm  16  is  considered  to  be  one  of  the

               prophetic  Psalms  concerning  the  coming

               Messiah.  In  Acts  13:35,  the  Apostle  Paul

               referred  to  Psalm  16:10  in  an  effort  to

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