Page 31 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 31

every  thing  that  hath  breath  praise  the

               LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”

               One of God’s blessings in David’s life is that

               he was raised under the teaching of God’s

               Word, and his lineage could be traced back

               to the descendants of Abraham.  Even in our

               day, it is God’s plan that parents would raise

               their  children  to  personally  know  God

               through God’s revelation of Himself in His

               Word.  Children do not automatically become

               Christians,  however,  just  because  they’re

               raised in a Christian home.  They, too, must

               be born again in order to enter the Kingdom

               of God.  When a child is old enough to realize

               that he or she has sinned against a holy God

               and must be eternally punished for that sin,

               that child then becomes accountable to God

               to repent and trust in God’s provision for the

               forgiveness  of  sins  through  Christ’s

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