Page 30 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 30
2:13 tells us that when a person is indwelt by
God’s Holy Spirit at conversion, God begins
to work in that person both to will and to do
of his good pleasure, and His “good
pleasure” is to conform us into the image of
His Son (See Rom. 8:29).
In Psalm 16, David seems to look back at his
life in retrospect at how the LORD had
directed his paths and given him good
counsel through His Word and through his
conscience. As believers, we should never
go against our conscience and the
convictions that God lays upon our heart —
and especially if those convictions are
supported by the Word of God. David was
confident that God would continue to direct
his paths, and he gave God the praise for the
blessings in his life. Psalm 150:6 says, “Let