Page 46 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 46

“love not the Lord Jesus Christ.”  David loved

               the LORD, and he was not ashamed to let it

               be known.

               David begins Psalm 18 by giving all the glory

               to God for deliverance from the hand of all

               his enemies.  David was utterly helpless to

               save himself, and in his distress, he  called

               upon  the  LORD  and  cried  unto  his  God.

               David’s  helplessness  to  physically  save

               himself  is  a  picture  of  mankind’s  total

               inability  to  save  himself  from  the  eternal

               consequences for sin (Hell).  Without God’s

               intervention of grace and mercy through the

               blood sacrifice of His Son, humanity would

               have  no  escape  from  the  penalty  for  our


               In  verses  7  through  16,  it’s  hard  to  know

               whether God gave David a vision of these

               events or whether David actually witnessed

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