Page 34 - Rosendin_Q2_2019_Newsletter
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                                                                      Sterling, Virginia                                           Rosendin Earns Safety Award on

                                                                      On the Viper project, during commissioning, there
                                                                      was an incident with one of the 2750KW generators
                                                                      that involved the generator tech. While the generator        Tempe Streetcar
                                                                      was in operation, the technician attempted to tighten a
                                                                      hose clamp that was leaking and at that time the hose
                                                                      burst spraying hot coolant on the technician.  911 was       Project
                                                                      contacted and dispatched.  The tech was taken to the
                                                                      hospital and treated for 1st degree burns on his hands.

                                                                      While no REI employees were involved in the incident,
                                                                      they were on-site to support the CX activities.  We
                                                                      received several praises from the VDC ops team and               "  As an employee owned company, we know our people are our most
                                                                      the CX agent in regards to our teams response and                 valuable asset, so we strive to give our employees the best tools, the
        DANIEL DILLON AND GEORGE DECKER                               assistance in this critical situation.  Dan Majack, Kyle          best working conditions and the best training programs as we work
        NXP Ed Bluestein Job site | Pflugerville, TX                  Schmidenberg, and Corneliu Achim responded promptly               to build the future of the Valley.
        At a weekly all hands safety meeting, Daniel Dillon and George   without haste and brought the building back to safe                                                                - Brandon Stephens, Division Manager (AZ)
        Decker were both recognized for exemplary behavior exhibiting   operation that had currently been running with over
        attention to safety. Daniel Dillon, a third year apprentice, was   3MWs of load.  Bobby Loveless and Bryan Corkhill,
        recognized for always having great Pre-Task Planning, good    who were both off site at the time, also responded to the    Stacy and Witbeck, the civil
        housekeeping in his work area, and continuously showing       event to support the team.                                   contracting company building
        how he values safety. George Decker, JIW, was recognized                                                                   the Tempe Streetcar in Arizona,
        for repeatedly displaying safe behaviors on the job site and   We spend a lot of time and training focusing on safety      awarded Rosendin employees
                                                                                                                                   the Safety Crew of the Month
        consistently communicating the importance of safety with      and how to prevent incidents.  This particular situation     for February. Rosendin General
        the entire crew. Dillon (left) and Decker (right) are portrayed   is not something we necessarily train for but it is good   Foreman, Caleb Woodard,
        below, holding tools provided by Hill Country Electric, who also   to know that the team kept cool heads and was able      along with co-workers Cebie
        agrees that "If everyone is safe and working hard... it's a win for   to focus on safety and react to prevent further injury,   Kinard and Rich Kindred, were
        everyone!"                                                    damage, and unsafe conditions.                               recognized for keeping workers
                                                                                                                                   safe in an extremely challenging
                                                                                                                                   environment which stretches for
                                              Dustin Bransford, Audio Visual Engineer,                                             three miles through downtown
                                                                                                                                   Tempe, surrounded by vehicle and
                                              Recognized as a Commercial Integrator                                                pedestrian traffic.

                                              Magazine Top 40 Under 40                                                             “Safety is one of our most

                                              Anaheim, CA                                                                          fundamental values, so we’re thrilled that our employees   These types of corporate programs also landed Rosendin a
                                                                                                                                                                                          top spot in February’s Training Magazine, which ranked the
                                                                                                                                   have been recognized for upholding Rosendin’s and Stacy
                                                                                                                                   & Witbeck’s high standards to keep safety and quality at   electrical contractor #49 in the world for its commitment
                                              Every year since 2014, Commercial Integrator                                         the forefront” said Christi Sova, Rosendin Project Manager.  to workforce learning.
                                              (CI) Magazine has named the 40 under 40 top
                                              influencers. These are young professionals who                                       “To ensure safety remains a priority, we work with     The Tempe Streetcar is one of several large-scale
                                              are making a mark on the commercial integration                                      employees to establish proper training, stringent      transportation projects Rosendin is working on locally,
                                              industry.                                                                            paperwork requirements  and oversight on every project,”   along with the Phoenix Sky Train and Sky Harbor Int’l

                                                                                                                                   said Curt Stephens, Rosendin Project Executive.        Airport Terminal Four renovations. With gross sales for
                                              Coming from an IT background, Dustin Bransford                                                                                              Maricopa and Pinal counties hitting $98 million in 2018,
                                              quickly moved into programming and engineering,                                      For example, Rosendin’s Injury, Illness and Impact Free   the Phoenix Business Journal just named Rosendin’s
                                              obtaining Crestron Gold, CTS-D, CTS-I, as well as                                    Program (I-3 Free) aims to eliminate at-risk behaviors and   Tempe office as the second largest Phoenix area electrical
                                              several other certifications. With this background,                                  focuses on supportive leadership, personal commitment,   contractor.
                                              Dustin helped build the Rosendin AV team,                                            free and open lines of communication and accountability.
                                              overseeing engineering, programming and
                                              estimating during his 14 years in the industry.                                                                                                                         Reprint from The Electric Times

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