Page 32 - Rosendin_Q2_2019_Newsletter
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Clines Landing Job site Hillsboro, OR
Bryton Galindo observed that the Rosendin crew members Adam
ramp to the East Elevator on the Schmidt, Trevan Earnest, Brent
project site was at a steep pitch and Wydrinski, Jon Horton, Cody
other contractors working in the area Campbell, and Josh Brindle
were having trouble accessing it, were the first responders on the
especially in the morning when the scene of a car accident. They
ramp was wet. Bryton brought it up aided in assessing and securing
to the General Contractor in the all the scene while also trying to
hands safety meeting so that they C.J. HOLLAND help the two brothers who were
Sterling, VA
could discuss what could be done trapped inside the vehicle.
to correct the problem. The GC did During the Virginia Office's company picnic, C.J.
not correct the hazard, so Bryton Holland noticed a guest who's child had fallen on
brought the situation up to a Rosendin her upper back and neck at the playground. The
Safety employee, who spoke with child and parents were very concerned and upset,
JOSE GONZALEZ AND CREW the GC and ensured changes were and C.J. calmly answered the call to help. He did HOW'S MY
South Texas made. Non slip tape was added to an evaluation and was able to ease the child and
Jose Gonzalez and his job site crew do an incredible job of exemplifying safety. They have the ramp to help with footing while parents fears and aided in their decision to go to DRIVING?
never failed a spot check of a single safety item, including items that are routinely overlooked accessing the ramp to the elevator. urgent care for an evaluation. The parents later
shared that the child would be sore and stiff for a
by most crews. They perform every safety action asked of them without losing a step towards Bryton’s proactive approach to this DINO DEGRASSI
production. Their tasks are planned out, their tools and materials are ready, and the crew is hazard shows how safety is important while but had not sustained lasting injuries from the Anaheim, California
trained before beginning each day. There are many who could learn from Jose's outstanding not only to himself and Rosendin's Caller was driving on Hwy 405
leadership and his crew’s dedication to safety. employees, but to the other and needed to move over into
(L-R: Luis Garcia, AP; Sarah Edwards, AP; Dave McKinley, JW; Brett Bissell, JW; Jose Gonzalez, FM; contractors on-site. C.J. showed that our safety responsibilities do not the lane Dino was in. Dino gave
James Van Roy, JW; Nam Trinh, JW; Chad Weddingfeld, JW; not pictured - Luis Aleman, AP) end when we leave the job. He used his knowledge the driver the space needed to
and training to care for the child and adhere to our
Facebook Data Center Project
Core Valie: WE CARE!. safely get in front of him.
Ft. Worth, Texas
Recognizing those WHO
go above and beyond
Las Vegas, NV
On April 5 around 11a, Rosendin Foremen Murphy Maloney was at
home on his day off when he heard a woman screaming in distress at
the front of his house. Murphy opened his front door to see a woman at
the front door of his neighbors' house screaming for help. He noticed
the woman was holding a small infant in her arms. At this time, the
woman saw Murphy standing just outside his front door and ran over to
him, screaming for help. Without hesitation, Murphy yelled to his wife to
call 911 and grabbed the infant from the woman's arms. He assessed
that the infant was not breathing, was non-responsive, and immediately CREW OF THE MONTH
began CPR on the infant. Murphey continued administering CPR for 7 Dallas, TX
to 10 minutes until the first responders arrived on scene and took over. The Rosendin Team on a data center project was honored as the April 2019 Crew of the Month, they have done a
great job leading and mentoring the crews that are on-site every day. Rosendin's team is always willing to help in
Murphey's quick and decisive actions in a life or death situation were any situation, present themselves with professional and positive attitudes, and conduct their work in a manner that
attributed to the on-the-job training he received less than a year prior. displays an exemplary buy-in to the safety culture. DPR would like to congratulate the Rosendin team and thank you
He was instrumental in saving his neighbor's infant child's life. for your efforts.
32 The Feeder | Issue 2, 2019 Issue 2, 2019 | The Feeder 33