Page 29 - Rosendin_Q2_2019_Newsletter
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Reprint from Commercial Construction & Renovation |

 Rosendin, the electrical contracting industry’s largest   In addition to Rosendin’s maintenance efforts at Camp   BAY TO BAY 2019
 employee-owned firm with offices in Tempe, Arizona,   Colley, the company may also send current employees
 was announced recently as the new solar partner for   to the camp to teach classes for the campers, including
 Camp Colley, a summer adventure camp located on   showing  them  how  solar  power  works,  setting  up   SOLAR POWER   ROSENDIN'S SOUTHERN
 the Mogollon Rim in northern Arizona. As the camp’s   electrical  experiments,  and  other  STEM  projects  to
 solar partner, Rosendin will ensure that the camp and   further inspire youth to consider a STEM career.  CALIFORNIA CYCLING TEAM
 its  facilities  have  consistent  power  to  operate  the
 camp.  Plans are also in the works for Rosendin to add Wi-
 Fi,  internet,  and  surveillance  cameras  to  the  site  to
 “When  we  were  introduced  to  Camp  Colley,  we   monitor  the  solar  panels  remotely.  They  are  also
 were  instantly  drawn  to  their  mission  to  help  kids   considering  adding  other  cameras  to  monitor  the
 realize their full potential through fun and innovative   camp’s buildings and other facilities during the winter
 STEM  (science  technology,   when there is too much snow
 engineering   and   math)  “Initiatives like Camp Colley   to drive to or access the camp
 programming,”  said  Brandon   will help create the Rosendin   site.  The  internet  would  only
 Stephens,  Division  Manager   employees of tomorrow, so   be  used  for  surveillance  and
 at  Rosendin.  “Initiatives  like   monitoring  and  would  not  be
 Camp  Colley  will  help  create  it’s a win-win to partner with   available  to  campers  to  use
 the  Rosendin  employees  of   the camp to ensure they   while they are at camp.
 tomorrow,  so  it’s  a  win-win
 to  partner  with  the  camp  to   have the resources they   Camp  Colley  is  a  secluded
 ensure they have the resources  need to succeed and engage   adventure camp nestled in the
 they  need  to  succeed  and   today’s youth in a variety of   inspiring  Ponderosa  Pines  on
 engage  today’s  youth  in  a   Arizona’s  Mogollon  Rim.  The
 variety of STEM opportunities.”  STEM opportunities.”  camp  introduces  youth  facing
 life challenges to the fun  and
 Camp Colley immerses youth in nature while engaging   education of outdoor recreation. The camp is owned
 them  in  leadership  and  recreational  experiences,   by  the  City  of  Phoenix  and  funded  by  Camp  Colley
 taking them out of everyday stressful environments   Foundation. Programming at Camp Colley effectively
 where  air,  noise,  light  and  automation  pollution   engages  youth  to  build  self-confidence,  resilience,
 hinder opportunities for them to experience their full-  and  healthy  relationships—all  of  which  provide   ive years ago, Rosendin's Southern   What started as an opportunity to make
 range of capabilities. The camp is owned, operated,   necessary social supports for youth to transition more   California  office  formed  a  cycling   BIKE MS: BAY TO BAY  a  difference  in  the  lives  of  people  with
 and  funded  by  the  City  of  Phoenix,  Camp  Colley   successfully into adulthood.  Fteam  to  ride  in  Bike  MS  -  an  epic   MS, has turned into a lifestyle for many
 Foundation,  and  Tonto  Creek  Camp.  Camp  Colley  is   fundraising  ride  that  is  helping  fuel   OCT. 19-20, 2019  of  the  team  members.  The  importance
 unique in that it also offers full and partial scholarships   progress toward a world free of MS. Each   of having a work-life balance and having
 to help disadvantaged kids experience the camp.  year,  the  "Rosendin  Riders"  team  has   IRVINE, CA  people around who motivate and support
     nearly  doubled  their  fundraising  efforts                                  each other speaks volumes to Rosendin's

 “Camp Colley was founded on the belief that every   over the previous year having raised over   opportunity to engage with one another   mission, vision, and core values to lead,
 child should have a chance to experience nature in its   $20,000 for the MS Society! In 2019, the   off  the  clock  and  develop  friendships   inspire, build  people,  and  care.  For  this
 purest form. For this reason, the camp is entirely off   team has a goal to raise $15,000.  while motivating each other to live active   team, there are no signs of slowing down
 the grid and self-sustaining, with power provided by   and healthy lifestyles.    anytime soon.
 solar  power  and  a  backup  propane  generator,”  said   To prepare for the annual two-day 100-
 Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. “We are so pleased to   mile  journey,  team  members  begin   In  addition  to  training  for  the  annual   To  learn more or donate visit  the
 have  Rosendin  as  Camp  Colley’s  new  solar  partner,   training  early  taking  part  in  weekly   Bike MS ride,  these team members have   Rosendin  Riders  page  at    http://main.
 as  their  support  allows  us  to  have  even  more  kids   rides that start at 20 miles each day. As   participated  in  local  races  ranging  from
 experience  the  wonders  of  camp  and  northern   the event gets closer, the rides increase   5K  (3.1  miles)  runs  to  full  marathons
 Arizona’s nature.”  to  40  -  50  miles  each  day.  Aside  from
     busy schedules, the 16 Rosendin  Riders   (26.2 miles). Some are also training and
     balance work and use their ride time as an   competing in Ironman triathlons.

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