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60,000-sq-ft Tempe campus, the company employs over     nationwide, and DeWalt is offering the Dual Switch Band
        6,000 nationally and about 1,200 in the Southwest region.  Saw for sale to other construction companies.

        “We trained and we retrained, we bought better gloves and    Selling at just a slightly higher price than the single-trigger
 Partner for Safe Dual Trigger Band Saw  sleeves and still experienced injuries, so we stopped the   model, the new band saw is safer and smarter. Workers

                                                                can’t tape or clamp the second switch to the support
        use of all portable band saws and went back to traditional
        stationary stands until we could stop the accidents,” says
                                                                the tool. The triggers are sequenced; fail to follow this
        Greenawalt, a 40-year IBEW member who recalls his early   handle; this was suggested as a possible scenario to trick
        days dragging heavy portabands on job sites.            and the unit won’t start. And, if either trigger is released,
                                                                the unit stops.“This has been the first time for me to be
        The moratorium on portable band saws was effective at   involved with this kind of collaboration of helping to bring
        limiting injuries, but reduced efficiency, so Greenawalt   an idea to fruition,” Marchant says. “This tool demonstrates
        promptly talked with staff, in particular, the craftworkers.   DeWalt’s continuing desire to make products that protect
        “One said, ‘If you just had to keep your hands on the saw,   our end-users.”
        this wouldn’t happen. Find us somebody with a tool that
        needs to run with both hands on it.’”                    At the Associated General Contractors 100th-anniversary
                                                                Denver convention in April, Rosendin won the AGC of
        This configuration was not available, so Greenawalt     America and Willis Towers Watson – 2019 Construction
        contacted major construction-tool makers; no one seemed   Safety Excellence Award (CSEA) First Place Specialty
        interested. Then Towson, Md.-based DeWalt called back.   Contractor for companies with more than 4 million worker
        “They liked the idea,” he recalls. “They saw the inherent   hours. The new dual-trigger band saw was the centerpiece
        danger and said, ‘We can do that.’”                     for the company at the event.

        DeWalt is owned by Stanley Black & Decker, New Britain,   Employees are returning from jobsites and reporting their
        Conn.                                                   approval, and injuries have already been significantly
                                                                reduced, says Greenawalt, who was gifted the first
        Directed by Joe Marchant, regional sales manager for the   production unit, 000001, from Marchant and DeWalt.
        company’s construction trades division in Salt Lake City, the
        DeWalt team designed and created a prototype in just six   He compares it to the first blade guard on a skill saw
        weeks. Greenawalt and Rosendin workers tested it both   decades ago. “There’s no reason for any prudent contractor
        in the company’s fabrication shop and in the field before   not to buy this tool and move forward with the industry.
        suggesting some changes for convenience and durability.  We’d like to see every tool that has two handles also have
 Reprint from ENR Southwest | By David M. Brown   Marchant, working with the product team at DeWalt,   two switches to keep your hands on the tool.”
        penciled the project to ensure profitability, beta-tested the    The new band saw aligns with the company’s safety-first
 bout two years ago, Mike Greenawalt, senior vice president of   tool and, approximately a year and a half later, in October   culture: care, share, listen and innovate. “It’s good to
 operations for Rosendin Electric, noticed that injuries by employees   2018, began manufacturing and shipping product. Rosendin   protect our workers,” he says. “We want them to go home
 Ausing portable band saws were increasing as the company staffed up   is in the process of purchasing these for its operations   every night, with no cuts, bruises or scars.”
 for the robust construction market.

 Even normally careful workers were operating the newer, lighter and more
 powerful cordless units with just one hand even though they are designed
 for two: the dominant hand on the trigger handle and the other on a support
 handle across from it. Streamlining to improve the tool’s efficiency and
 flexibility had come with an unexpected hazard.

  “Everyone wanted a portable band saw but many were misusing it. Some
 workers were using their free hand to catch the falling piece of pipe or strut,
 and they suffered some pretty bad injuries to their hands and wrists as the
 saw completed its cut,” says Greenawalt, who leads the Southwest and Mid-
 Atlantic divisions for the San Jose, Calif., contractor.

 ENR ranks Rosendin No. 7 nationally in the Top 600 Specialty Contractors and
 No. 3 for the electrical sector. For the Southwest, the company is the No. 5
 overall specialty contractor and No. 3 for electrical. From the approximately

 26    The Feeder | Issue 2, 2019                                                       Issue 2, 2019 | The Feeder    27
                                                                                                        Photo Steve Zylius / UCI
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