Page 31 - Rosendin_Q2_2019_Newsletter
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Raises $200K Benefiting the Navy SEAL Foundation
osendin raised upwards of Member. “Rosendin is proud to organize
$200,000 for the Naval Special this annual golf tournament benefiting
RWarfare Community and its the Navy SEAL Foundation for the fourth
families at their fourth annual golf year running, resulting in a total of over
tournament held May 22 at the Pelican $1 million raised since we started this
Hill Golf Club in Newport Beach, Calif. partnership.”
Retired Rear Admiral Kerry Metz The Marine Corp Color Guard kicked
delivered the keynote speech focusing off the event with the Presentation of
on the importance of partnership and Colors, followed by the Newport Harbor
community for active duty and retired High School Choir and drumline leading
service people. Multiple Navy SEALs in the singing of the National Anthem.
were in attendance and shared their
experiences, including retired Navy “We are so grateful to Rosendin and
SEAL Shane McKenzie. The Navy SEAL everyone who took part to help the
Foundation’s Wall of Honor of fallen Navy SEAL Foundation continue its
Navy SEALs was on display to serve as projects assisting veterans and their
a remembrance of those who made the families,” said Mark Kendall, Committee
ultimate sacrifice. Chairman for the Navy SEAL Foundation.
“By working together with partners like
“At Rosendin we have numerous Rosendin, the Navy SEAL Foundation
employees who are also Veterans, can provide comprehensive programs
so a partnership with the Navy SEAL that empower and educate families
Foundation just makes sense,” said David and give support during times of illness,
Lincoln, VP of Rosendin’s Renewable injury, loss, and transition.”
Energy Group and NSF Committee
30 The Feeder | Issue 2, 2019 Issue 2, 2019 | The Feeder 31