Page 24 - Q2_2020_Newsletter
P. 24

COVID                                      Effect                                                                            • PROCUREMENT                                         PPE, sanitizing equipment throughout the day, implemented

                                                                                                                                                                                           staggered break schedules. These measures have been put in
                                                                                                                                    Rosendin has a reliable network of suppliers and vendors who
                                                                                                                                                                                           place to keep our people and communities safe from exposure,
                                                                                                                                    we have worked with at the outset to understand equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                           all while maintaining a secure site. This crisis has taught us
                                                                                                                                    availability and cost. As a result, we have been able to make
                                                                                                                                                                                           that putting trust in and relying on the people who build our
                                                                                                                                    critical purchasing decisions, including bulk buys, to avoid
                                                                                                                                                                                           projects is vital. Rosendin's foremen and superintendents have
                                                                                                                                    shortages and logistics hang-ups. We could not have done this
                                                                                                                                    without the established relationships we have with our entire
                                                                                                                                                                                           safe while maintaining installation efficiency and delivering a
                                                                                                                                    supply chain. From this crisis, we have seen the vital importance   developed tools, jigs, and techniques to keep our craftspeople
                                                                                                                                                                                           fault-free project. Without the innovation, insight, and ingenuity
        EFFECT OF COVID-19 ON RENEWABLES PROJECTS                                                                                   of maintaining good relationships with our suppliers and   of the entire team, this would not be possible.
                                                                                                                                    vendors and treating them fairly.
                                                                                                                                                                                           This global crisis will end, and we will return to our everyday
                                                                                                                                    • CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY                              lives, but not in the way we remember. The lessons Rosendin
        " "This global crisis will end, and we will return to our everyday lives, This global crisis will end, and we will return to our everyday lives,   Perhaps the most sophisticated effort we must accomplish is   has learned during this time has created a new environment and
        but not in the w                                                                                                            orchestrating the delivery, staging, inspection, installation, and   processes that we will continue to implement and build upon.
        but not in the way we remember. The lessons Rosendin has learned ay we remember. The lessons Rosendin has learned
        during this time has created a new environment and processes that ing this time has created a new environment and processes that
        dur                                                                                                                         startup of a project. There are tens of thousands of pieces with   The new way of business and interaction has its challenges. Still,
        we will continue to implement and build upon."e will continue to implement and build upon."
        w                                                                                                                           hundreds of craft workers, multiple subcontractors, consultants,   the relationships we have forged with our suppliers and vendors
                                                                                                                                    and project stakeholders. In the best of times, this effort is   and using the talent and innovation that our field and office
        BY RON WILSON, P.E., DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING | PV MAGAZINE                                                                  daunting, yet the vast majority of the time it is successfully   staff possess, have been crucial in helping us deliver our projects
                                                                                                                                    accomplished. In this current climate, the same work must be   during a time when the industry is struggling to complete
                                                                                                                                    done, but under more complicated circumstances and safety   work. Our key takeaway from this pandemic is all about people.
                                                                                                                                    in the "new normal" has changed. We are now enforcing   Continue to build people inside and outside your organization; it
        It seems everyone is discussing how the current global crisis is   The choices of interactive platforms are many: Zoom, Teams,   social distancing, wearing face masks as part of our required   makes all the difference.
        affecting their business. As an essential business, Rosendin has   WebEx, GoToMeeting, and Google Hangouts - to name a few.
        been able to continue operations. Still, we have certainly not   The key is to select a platform and stick with it. Bouncing from
        been exempted from safety concerns, supply interruptions, cost   platform to platform creates confusion and frustration.
        fluctuation, workforce uncertainty, or virtual interaction. As the
        situation became increasingly serious, the Executive Leadership   After we had established committed meeting times and a
        team took early steps to address safety and project concerns and   platform, the real work began. We were getting back to "normal   SOLAR PROJECTS
        understand how our supply chain vendors were going to react.   operations" in a time where people don't see each other in
        These steps became a plan of action that the Renewables Team   an office. Within a few weeks, most rough spots were worked
        implemented and adjusted. As a result, current projects have   through, and the efforts and processes we now have in place are
        experienced very few cost or schedule setbacks and we hope   described as follows.                                        WRITTEN FOR PV MAGAZINE BY ERIC WESOFF
        that some of the lessons we learned can be of help to other
        businesses and contractors in this uncertain time.      • ENGINEERING                                                     Rosendin is a quiet, 100 year-old,    under construction. The Rosendin wind   Rosendin is busy on the pre-construction
                                                                                                                                  employee-owned company with           group has deployed 22 GW of wind     side and has been able to maintain
                                                                                                                                  revenues in excess of $2.3 billion. It’s one
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a workforce of approximately 100
                                                                                                                                                                        power with 1.8 GW under construction.
        As with many lines of business, there are a lot of moving parts to   The staff has worked exclusively out of the office for the past 9   of the largest electrical union contractors                 managers and more than 1,000
        any renewables project: Engineering, Estimating, Procurement,   weeks. With weekly staff checks as well as twice-weekly project   in the country.               The renewables expertise at Rosendin   tradespeople in the field.
        Installation, Closeout, and above all - Safety. Each of these   check-ins, most jobs have run smoothly. The only trouble is when                                includes utility-scale and distributed
        functions has a unique set of criteria and a particular sequence   the Engineers make assumptions without positively verifying   “We have tended to fly under the   solar, wind, substation, transmission,   With 200 to 300 workers on its projects,
        of implementation to be the most effective. The personal   them with the Project Manager or Field General Foreman. It     radar,” said David Lincoln, senior VP   and distribution builds. Lincoln stressed   Rosendin went to three daily shifts in
        interaction between members of the team has always allowed   seems assumptions are not as apparent on-line. This, along with   of the renewables group, “and have   that Rosendin is “a true EPC — with   some areas to maximize social distancing.
        decisions and direction to be determined quickly and effectively.   electronic page-turn reviews, including the entire team, has   chosen rather to work with clients who   engineering in-house.”   Workers are wearing masks and gloves.
        When people became separated, the challenge was in trying   improved constructibility and design quality.                 understand our culture. That’s what                                        The company is staggering  breaks and
        to adjust the interpersonal connections over phone, email, and                                                            made us successful over the years. You’d   Rosendin’s work is considered   implementing the six-foot rule.
        on-line. The tools exist to exchange information, but the need   • ESTIMATING                                             be surprised by how many projects we   an essential service. While many
        to collaborate remotely took a bit of retraining. As a result, the   Rosendin's Estimating Group has been working electronically,   have our hands in.”         construction companies have been     Rosendin also created a safety and
                                                                                                                                                                        forced to shut down their sites, Rosendin
                                                                                                                                                                                                             response guide for construction in these
        Renewables Team mandated weekly collaboration calls with   rather than with paper drawings, for several years. The        Rosendin started its renewables group in   has been able to keep its renewable   times of the six-foot-rule.
        each group: Engineering, Estimating, Procurement, Project   adjustment the group had was making the commitment to         2009 and had $3 million in revenue in its   projects going. Rosendin’s work is   “We’ve been able to keep our wind,
        Management, and Field.                                  review estimates and pursuits on-line every week. Estimating      first year. “That’s when we thought that   considered an essential service and the   solar and battery storage projects up and
                                                                communicates with Engineering, Project Management, sub-           a 500kw system was big. Later on, a 1   company has been proactive in fighting   running,” said the VP. “We haven’t seen
        Additionally, the leaders for each group met weekly to review   consultants, subcontractors, and preconstruction teams several   MW  project had us popping corks — we   to keep jobs running while keeping its   any material delays, nothing significant,
        pursuits and ongoing projects to stay in touch on needs and   times per week. Estimating also maintains a log of costs and lead   thought we had hit the big leagues.”  workers safe. Lincoln notes that “Two   and no changes in lead time issues — not
        deadlines. However, our teams needed to settle on a single   times for modules, trackers, cable, and equipment to understand   The renewables group now has revenue   projects on the east coast were shut   on modules or inverters. There’s been
        interactive platform. The platform took some getting used to,   what is provided for a specific project. Estimating then passes   in excess of $500 million, according to   down for three days but we got the   little impact on utility scale.”
        but once the team became comfortable, everyone was able to   information to procurement for purchase.                     Lincoln, with 4 GW of solar deployed, 2   governor involved and were able to lobby
        interact similarly to what we had when we were in the office.                                                             GW under development and 600 MW       state officials to get them reopened."

        24    The Feeder | Issue 2, 2020                                                                                                                                                                          Issue 2, 2020 | The Feeder    25
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