Page 16 - Q2_2023 Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 16


           Existing Markets

           and Expanding

           Into the Future

           How Rosendin's Quality Department supports the company's

           existing markets and helps in future market expansion

           By Tim Robert, Corporate Quality & Compliance Manager

               osendin's Quality Department is                     The Rosendin Procedure Manual is the

               returning to the basics to support                  transformation of our current manuals
     R our teams across the country with                           and forms into a comprehensive,
      existing customers and help expand into                      professional,standardized, and searchable

      future markets. These basics start with                      easy-to-use one-stop-shop manual hosted

      ensuring all employees trust that Rosendin's                 on Rosendin's new content management

      standard procedures are current and vetted by                system. The system allows employees
      leadership as true best practices to be followed             to quickly and easily locate "how-to"

      company-wide. As a result, the Quality                       information needed to perform their daily

      Department recently launched the Rosendin                    duties. In addition, the manual project
      Procedure Manual project in response to the                  aims to ensure regular reviews and updates
      feedback received by project and corporate                   to Rosendin's processes and procedures,

      teams outlining the need for consistency and                 including a formal approach to allow

      standardization in various aspects of work.                  employees to recommend any changes.

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