Page 17 - Q2_2023 Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 17


                               AND SAFETY OF OUR EMPLOYEES.

      A content management software system                      change," the Quality Department uses all available

      enables users to easily manage large data sets            tools to find solutions to address many industry
      of written or imported content for publishing             challenges. One of those challenges is rework.

      to various output options in a professional

      design. Overall, the Rosendin Procedure Manual            Rework is time-consuming and costly and

      project provides Rosendin employees with a                continues to be a significant source of risk for our
      standardized and consistent organizational                industry. However, according to Adam Roberts,

      framework that will increase efficiencies, reduce           Corporate Quality Data Analyst, understanding,

      redundancies, eliminate siloed information,               and quantifying rework is not straightforward.

      and provide a solid foundation for training.              "Specifically, the Quality Department utilizes

      By achieving these goals, the Quality Department          BIM360 to collect data directly from job sites and
      supports Rosendin's Strategic Plan and 2025 Base          then analyzes the data using a custom dashboard

      Camp Strategy of solidifying our status as a Top 3        solution. The dashboard allows Rosendin to set
      electrical contractor in the U.S. while expanding         internal benchmarks and track progress."
      into new markets and its LEAN concept to remove           These techniques help us identify our biggest

      two processes for every new process created.              sources of rework so we can focus efforts on

      Furthermore, Rosendin employees will have clear           building new processes and minimizing the
      direction to continue to improve upon the quality         company’s risk while also making projects more

      for our customers and opportunities to make               profitable. Through these efforts, we will truly

      meaningful change.                                        achieve the strategic objectives of Rosendin
                                                                and capture opportunities to create a positive

      Continuing with the mantra of "identifying                impact within the industry that will bring new
      opportunities to make meaningful operational              markets to light.

      The Quality Department would like to recognize the Vantage project team members in Goodyear, AZ as the Q2

      Quality Champions! During a Safety Week meeting in May, the Quality Team presented on NFPA-70E arc flash
      labels. The presentation focused on how to read the labels, PPE requirements, and included a lesson learned

      by someone who was exposed to a serious arc flash event. The gentleman shared his story of how different the

      outcome would have been for him had he not been wearing the proper arc flash PPE.

      A special thank you to (left to right) Javier Escalante, Arnold Silva, Zach Baker, and Howard Earl for
      displaying integrity and leading our teams by doing the right thing while keeping our employees safe. 

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