Page 21 - Q2_2023 Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 21

Rosendin also encourages all contractors on the site to work   unit that is powered by a generator. These are particularly

        together as a team to actively watch workers for these heat   helpful in our renewable energy projects, as they are

        illness symptoms and other heat-related issues. Once training   usually in remote areas with little natural shade. These
        is completed, we provide our teams with hard hat sombreros,   trailers, which are opened up to the air stream, have
        neck shades, cooling towels, and water-soaked gel bandanas.  been instrumental in providing employees a place to go
                                                                 to cool down, recharge, and hydrate before returning to
        #2 - ENCOURAGE PROPER HYDRATION                          work in the hot sun.  At any time, employees can sit in

        The most important tip for keeping employees safe        the trailers to cool down if they get overheated. We also
        is to make sure they stay hydrated by drinking water     encourage our forepersons to strategically set up mobile

        regularly. Mild dehydration can impair a person's ability to   pop-up tents and shaded areas throughout job sites.

        concentrate. Even as little as 1% loss in body weight due to   Once temperatures exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit, consider

               fluid deficiency can impair short-term memory.

                                                                 increasing breaks to help workers cool down and hydrate.
                        On outdoor job sites during the summer,   In the South and other warm climates, companies can also

                            we address the heat with a variety of   add air-conditioned lunch tents and cooling trailers with

                              responses, including water bottles,   fans and mist to mitigate overheating. In extreme heat

                                 water stations, and water coolers.   conditions, companies can train supervisors to observe

                                    They are available to everyone   employees for alertness and other signs or symptoms of heat
                                     on the site, especially the   illness. Companies can also mandate recovery rest periods.
                                       field staff at our outdoor

                                        sites. To encourage      #4 - FOLLOW ACCLIMATIZATION PROCEDURES
                                         workers to drink water   Working during a heat wave can be challenging, especially for
                                           more frequently,      people who are not used to it. It is important to let a worker’s

                                            supervisors can      body adjust to the heat by limiting exposure in the beginning,
                                             implement simple    and encourage them to take more breaks and stay hydrated.
                                              practices, such

                                               as placing water   For these workers, it’s good practice to let them start earlier
                                               coolers close to   in the day when temperatures are cooler, and schedule

                                               where staff is     the heaviest work activities during this time, leaving less

                                                working and      physically demanding work for hotter parts of the day.
                                               implementing an   According to the Centers for Disease Control, the best

                                               hourly reminder   outcome for workers is obtained by gradually increasing

                                               to drink fluids.

                                                                 work hours in hot conditions over a 7 to 14-day period,

                                               In addition to    cooling off, and properly rehydrating between shifts. Rosendin

                                              water, consider    limits new employees to 8-hour shifts for the first four days

                                              stocking up        and does not assign overtime until employees acclimate to
                                             on ice pops or      the work environment. We also encourage employees and
                                            other products that   supervisors to use the buddy system and maintain regular

                                          contain electrolytes,   communication via cell phone to monitor their health.
                                         such as sports drinks,
                                        coconut water, and       Heat is an unavoidable factor to consider when building

                                      hydration powders. You’ll   projects during the summer or in hot locations. It is crucial

                                     also want to remind workers   for job sites to safeguard their employees by putting into
                                  to avoid liquids during the work   place detailed procedures to adjust to changing weather

                                week that can be dehydrating,    conditions. As the world's temperatures rise due to climate

                             such as alcohol and caffeine.        change, these best practices will become increasingly relevant
                                                                 as heat waves and high temperatures become more prevalent,

                       #3 - PROVIDE ACCESS TO SHADE              particularly in locations that have never had to deal with these
                                                                 working circumstances. Knowing how to avoid the dangers

              In addition to adequate hydration stations, it is also   of extreme heat, as well as how to handle the symptoms of

        important for workers to have access to shade that is open to   heat illness is critical for a well-rounded safety strategy.

        the air or includes ventilation, such as fans or cooling mists.

        On some Rosendin job sites, we are able to provide specially
        designed cooling trailers with a large portable air conditioning

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