Page 19 - Q2_2023 Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 19

Also, around the five-year mark, battery replacements     Many owners of facilities employing DRUPS units have decided to
      become quite commonplace. For many years, Rosendin        undergo projects to upgrade their DRUPS units or replace them

      installed almost exclusively VRLA-type batteries in data center   with other backup system technologies.

      projects. These batteries typically have a lifetime of four to

      seven years; as such, we expect that Rosendin will be doing   In these projects, it is essential to have the support of

      replacements of these batteries for years to come.        knowledgeable electrical power engineers to properly

                                                                identify and model the system's key features and analyze

      Many owners are switching from VRLA to                    whether the replacement solution will change any of the
      lithium-ion and other battery technology types            characteristics of that system.

      with better reliability and longer lifespans.

                                                                Your engineering team should consider key parameters such as
      Rosendin Engineering has the expertise and experience     backup time, reliability, maintainability, fault-clearing capabilities,

      to analyze the requirements of NFPA 855 and other         motor starting capabilities, and others. Rosendin's Engineering

      applicable standards, such as the International Fire Code   team, specifically power and analytics engineers, have advanced

      (IFC), to determine what modifications, if any, a facility   knowledge and understanding of these systems.

      must undergo to house different battery technologies.
                                                                Data center infrastructure becomes obsolete beyond ten

      As the critical systems in a data center age further (5-to-  years (10-to-20-year time frame). Power densities increase,

      10-year time frame), it becomes more prudent to ensure    technology requires refreshing, and equipment begins to

      that regular load tests are performed to demonstrate      wear out or is not serviceable due to the obsolescence of the

      that critical equipment such as UPSs and generators will   necessary replacement parts. At this point in a facility's life cycle,

      function as expected under a heavy load.                  owners often seek engineering help to study and analyze how

                                                                to modernize the facility without scrapping all of the initially

      It is often only possible to show this using a load bank that may or   installed expensive infrastructure.
      may not have been part of the facility's original design. Rosendin

      Engineering can help create testing plans, including step-by-step   Engineers are called upon to devise methods of increasing total
      instructions, load bank connection details, pass/fail criteria, and   power to the IT loads, deploying new tech, upgrading EPMS/

      planning support needed to conduct these vital tests confidently.  SCADA/Automation/Controls for the facility, and making informed
                                                                decisions regarding the replacements of generators, UPSs, static

      Other aging systems must be replaced to regain reliability or   switches, and distribution equipment.

      owner confidence in these systems. Some mechanically based

      mission-critical power system components, such as DRUPS (Diesel   For all your data center engineering needs, please contact

      Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supplies), have historically had a life   Rosendin Engineering via your local engineering director or the

      expectancy that has proven to be shorter than the facility's life.   Engineering Helpdesk at 833.REI.ENGR. We are here to help!  
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