P. 84

h.  A periodic and complete compilation of summative tests with Table of
                                 Specification and answer sheet, class record and grade sheet, and sample
                                 course requirements checked/evaluated and signed by the course professor
                                 is limited.
                              i.  Recommendations of the previous survey visit were not fully complied with.

                       3.  Recommendations
                              a.  Other teaching strategies that can help enhance the multiple intelligence of
                                 the students are encouraged.
                              b.  The conduct of regular departmental faculty and staff meetings is highly
                                 suggested with the compilation of the minutes of each meeting.
                              c.  All faculty members of the program are encouraged to develop different
                                 instructional materials subject to the screening and approval of the curriculum
                              d.  It is highly recommended that complete and updated course syllabi be
                                 properly compiled with measures to evaluate the performance of the students
                                 in their prescribed course requirements, like rubrics.
                              e.  A separate Area Chair for the BS Entres program is highly suggested.
                              f.  Taking pictures with proper captions, filing of letters and programs in all of the
                                 students’ activities are advised to support the documentary process.
                              g.  A matrix of various teaching strategies used is recommended and be properly
                              h.  Complete summative tests with Table of Specification and answer sheet,
                                 class record and grade sheet, and sample course requirements with rubrics,
                                 checked/evaluated and signed by the course professor should be regularly
                              i.  Compliance with the following recommendations made during the previous
                                 accreditation should be complied with 100% subject to following:
                                      i.  Establish linkages with other learning institutions so that instructional
                                         materials can be exchanged thus enhancing the reservoir of
                                         knowledge for both the faculty and students. A memorandum of
                                         agreement or understanding may be forged to seal such linkages.
                                     ii.  The Dean of the College and the Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship
                                         and its faculty members are enjoined to source out funding from the
                                         university and other organizations in order to raise seed money for the
                                         students’ use in the production and marketing of their products to
                                         have an actual experience of being an entrepreneur in its real sense.
                                         Schemes/policies have to be created for this.

               84  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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