P. 83

of awards and recognition for outstanding academic accomplishments (e.g. Best
                              Thesis, Student Researcher of the Year, etc);
                          •  Intensive studies on the indicators of performance of graduates are employed
                              specifically on the employment opportunities of graduates;
                          •  Faculty and student performances yield commendable outcome as a result of
                              administrative support;
                          •  Employment opportunities of graduates of the program remain promising due to
                              the application of the abovementioned practices.

               5.      EXTENT OF COMPLIANCE with Team Recommendations for Area III – Curriculum and
               Instruction in the last survey visit.

                          ➢  Present the status of compliance matrix of Area III focusing on interventions done
                              on the recommendations

                       Duly Accomplished Self-Survey Instrument

                          ➢  Present the Summary of Findings and Recommendations for AREA III
                              (Curriculum and Instruction) during the Second Survey in terms of;
                       1.  Strengths
                              a.  The BS Entrepreneurship Curriculum meets the requirements and standards
                                 of Commission on Higher Education that provides development for
                                 professional competencies of the students as reflected in the institution’s
                                 vision, mission and program objectives.
                              b.  Evaluation of the performance of faculty members is periodically conducted.

                       2.  Areas Needing Improvement
                              a.  There are limited teaching strategies that are employed to address the
                                 students’ multiple intelligence and individual needs.
                              b.  Faculty and staff meetings of the department are rarely conducted and
                                 compilations of the minutes of the meetings are lacking.
                              c.  The instructional materials used by the faculty members like modules,
                                 manuals, power point presentations etc. are limited and not subjected to
                                 review by the curriculum committee of the college for evaluation and
                              d.  The compilations of course syllabi used in every semester are incomplete,
                                 not properly compiled, outdated and do not contain measures to evaluate the
                                 performances of the students in their prescribed course requirements.
                              e.  There is only one Area Chair handling two different programs.
                              f.  There is lack of documentation of various students’ activities like participation
                                 in different competitions, college and university events.
                              g.  Documentation of various teaching strategies is limited.

               83  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85