P. 78
5 – 96 -100% accuracy in the processing and preparation of employee function, with no
4 – 86 – 95% accuracy in the processing and preparation of employee functions with 1
or 2 minor errors
3 – 80-85% accuracy in the processing and preparation with 3 or more minor errors 2 –
75-79% accuracy in the processing and preparation with major errors
1 – 74 % and below – many errors, work is not acceptable For Office Rules and Good
Office Rules
a. Wearing of Uniform and ID (Observance of MC 19, s. 2000)
b. Attendance to Flag Ceremony and Flag Lowering
c. Submission of PDS
d. Submission of SALN
Good Governance
a. Liquidation of Cash Advance
b. Observance of Citizens Charter
Employee who aggrieved or dissatisfied with their final performance rating can
appeal with the PMT within five days from the date of receipt of their PEF or after
appraisal discussion with his supervisor.
Employees, however, are not allowed to protest the performance ratings of their
co- employees. Ratings obtained by other employees can only be used as basis or
references for comparison in appealing one’s performance rating.
The PMT shall not decide on the appeal within one month from the receipt.
Appeals lodged with the PMT shall follow the hierarchical jurisdiction of various PMT in
the University Decision of the Provincial PMT is appealable to the Regional PMT then to
the Central Office PMTS. Decision of the Central Office PMTS is appealable to the CSC.
Proper only in exceptional cases.
78 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p