P. 74

Performance failing to meet the planned targets of 50% or below    Poor (P)         1

               Each employee is rated on the levels of performance set below:

                       In determining the final equivalent adjectival rating of the employee, the range of the
               overall point scores is converted as follows:

                              4.21- 5.0     Outstanding (O)

                              3.41- 4.20    Very Satisfactory(VS)

                              2.61- 3.40    Satisfactory(S)

                              1.81-2.60     Unsatisfactory(US)

                              1.0-1.80      Poor(P)


                       1.  The overall rating of employees for a given rating period will all be rated by the
                       2.  For unprogrammed targets, it will be called as supplemental targets and categories
                          as ordinary and intervening task
                       3.  Definitions of target, activities arising from ordinary/routinary tasks such as reports
                          that require 1 day preparation
                       4.  For scholars, faculty on study leave, on fellowship, sabbatical leave should be rated
                          based on the conditions stipulated on their contracts
                       5.  Those employees with multiple tasks should be rated by the official project leader
                       6.  The QCE Teaching effectiveness will still be used for the measurement of
                          Effectiveness for Faculty as set in the SPMS Standards
                       7.  Exemption, activities or targets that necessitates longer time to finish and is not
                          completed 100% as planned due to force majeure and/or fortuitous events should be
                          given consideration
                       8.  For non-teaching personnel, the employee sets the weight of duties and functions
                          with the approval of the immediate supervisor.
                       9.  Remarks portion should be filled up by the immediate supervisor based on his/her
                          observation regarding the accomplishment of the ratee.
                       10. 20% should be assigned to each employee for administrative part which reflects the
                          behavioral dimensions that affect the job performance of the employee. (Good
                          Governance and Office Rules & Regulations)


               74  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79