P. 69
1. To continuously foster improvements of employee performance and efficiency;
2. To enhance organizational effectiveness and productivity;
3. To provide an objective performance rating which serves as basis for personnel
actions, incentives, rewards and administrative sanctions;
4. To concretize the linkages of agency’s overall performance with the Organizational
Performance Indicator Framework, the Agency and Strategic Plan;
5. To ensure organizational effectiveness by cascading institutional accountabilities to
the various levels of the organization anchored on the establishment of scientific
basis for performance targets and measures;
6. To link performance management with other HR systems using one platform, that is,
only one basis shall be used in performance evaluation, HR planning and
interventions, rewards and incentives, disciplines and personnel actions;
7. To improve office and individual performance through a systematic approach via an
ongoing process of establishing strategic performance objectives, measuring
performance, and collecting, analyzing, reviewing, and reporting performance data;
8. To align individual and Office performance goals with the organization’s strategic
goals/vision putting premium on performance results of the University.
The Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System
(SPMS) applies to all first, second and third level employees under permanent,
temporary, casual, contractual and contract of services.
Rating Period
Performance evaluation is done every six months ending on June 30 and
December 31 of every year. However, if there is a need for shorter or a longer period,
the minimum appraisal period is at least 90 calendar days or three months while the
maximum is not longer than one calendar year.
a. SPMS Champion (Agency Head)
• Primarily responsible and accountable for the establishment and implementation
of the SPMS
• Sets agency performance goals/objectives and performance measures
• Determines agency target setting period
• Approves office performance commitment and rating
• Assesses performance of offices
b. Performance Management Team (PMT)
69 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p